Roaches in my garage?

So last night i was out in the garage in my new house, and it seems that some insects have taken residence in my garage… which is odd since there is NOTHING in there…

These bugs dont look like roaches they are a lot smaller almost looking more like brown beatles, and they dont run from people like roaches do…

i wanna kill these fuckers, but dont want to chase them around and kill them all every night…

Anybody have any recomendations for some traps to use?

bug bomb it

i have 2 puppies at home, and it is an attached garage with a door into my house… so i would prefer not to… its not that bad, i think last night i counted maybe 9 of these things on the walls/ceiling…

and i have a bunch of hardwood flooring boxes in there now, so i would prefer not to bug bomb if i didnt have to…

Bed bugs

Airsoft gun…shoot them.

There is a specific food ( which I can’t remember ) that you can leave out… they will eat it and unfortunately they cannot digest it, and will die back in their home. After a few weeks there will no longer be a problem

what does having hardwood flooring have to do with bombing, it doesnt hurt wood

and just keep the dogs out a day, no biggie.

9 bugs? Holy shit better call an exterminator! :stuck_out_tongue:

Sweep them up? Step on them? Ignore them?

there are obviously more… just dont feel like finding them etc…

and i dont want to let them get established out there and then move into the house… that would suck

maybe ill duct tape seal the door shut leading into the house and then bug bomb it?

i would, bombs are the best when needing to clear a whole area like that.

allright, ill pickup a bug bomb and some duct tape tonight on my way home from work…

im sure if i seal the door on the outside and inside there should be no leakage into the house that could effect the puppies

they might even sell environmentally safe bombs, im not sure tho, u sould try tractor supply they will have more than wallmart and stores like that

i was thinking of going to home depot… i have to go there anyways

they sell traps that work off the same idea sureshot said, they eat it and bring it back to their nest. within a few days, all gone. newman got some a few years ago and it worked awesome, we had quite the ant prob for a while. go get some.

ants are weird. they eat as much as possible so they dont have to carry it and then puke it all up at the nest for everyone else. most bugs dont do that so they dont work as well.

i had no idea. thats fucking gross

move out the hood?

i live in suburbia… but my garage has a drain in it, and i think they come in through the drain… not anymore though!