Flying ants!

Kinda like snakes on a plane, but not funny. Anyone else have them around where they live? They were outside my apt today and all over in Rochester last night. WTF these buggers suck ass :tdown:

This is the time of year when they hatch, give it a week or 2 and they will go away

ughhh I can’t stand those things…

There is a certain smell they have the just totally makes me want to vomit
and nothing else I have ever smelled comes close to them

i remember my senior year id high school, it was like the first week so right around this time, i came home and my parents back yard was moving.

i kinda grabbed evey insect killing can in the house (wasp, hornet, etc)

that took care of that

gas+flame = no more ants :slight_smile:

We have them here too. I thought it was just because a tree service cut alot of branches in our neighborhood along the power lines and stirred them up.

ugh…my freakin walkway and lawn were COVERED with these bastards yesterday…

Were all over my house when i left for work last night, goen wheni came home this mornign.

try having fire ants everywhere :frowning:

Hmm, I wonder if that’s what was splattering on everybody’s windshields on the way home from Seneca yesterday…

Fire ants sucks they are everywhere in NC!!! Bastards hurt like a M@#$&(F#*$)r

and today I walked outside and there was this weird ass lobster looking thing on the ground (about the size of a pepsi can) …I have a pic of it, but i’m at work now.

what is going on here? :lol:

WTF is zoidberg doing outside your house?

I DONT KNOW!!! :ohnoes:

^ I got those…the dr said the ointment will take care of them though :gotme:


what about gooblies?

HR anyone?

i dont get it :gotme: lol.

here he is


it looks like a big crayfish or crawfish or however it is spelled

oohhh its a crayfish! lol