1st off – Yes, I know this is a useless thread. You can file it under the other thousands already in that vault.
But who else has seen a ton of stinkbugs this spring? I’ve been finding them in my windows for weeks now, and in the bathroom.
What use do these things have except to be a nuisance?
Anyone else seeing this outbreak of stink bugs?
And if you don’t know what they look like:

At my old place, we a had a ton last year. So far so good this year. haven’t seen any (knock wood)… i really don’t care, but my wife can’t stand em
I see about 4-5 a day (in my house)/
It wasn’t me! It was the stinkbug!
Good try.
i see maybe 1 or 2 a day in the house.
my parents house had a few and my old neighbors had a few… but none at my house so far… never saw them before about a month ago.
I had them starting about July or so of last year. I’ve had a decent stream of 1 or 2 a day in my house over the winter, but haven’t seen many since about late March.
Saw tons of them here last year and only 2 or 3 so far this year.
had them all year long. sneaky bastards that don’t drown. Find them in the shower
had one in my bathroom today
What does this insect do besides (stink) up a place ??
they fly and land on the most discreet objects and crawl. stupid easy to catch.
Have not seen spiders around. very weird. Ugly fuckers, reminds me of 1320’s mum coming from a bad makeover at a trailer park hairdresser
i fn hate these things. had a few pop up over the winter but none recently. now Im sure I’ll step on one today…
We’ve had them for the past 2-3 years at my place. Last year right as winter hit we got them really bad in the house. Usually like 2 dozen a day for about a month straight. They were mostly in the window frames and we’d suck them up with the nozzle attachment on the vacuum cleaner. It is kind of eery to see dozens of them in the dirt trap in the vacuum. It makes the dirt look alive.
i never seen them until last year. i swear they snuck into my car and followed me home.
worse is when i take a porsche out for a test drive. they will lay in the engine bay and just get cooked. i just got done upgrading a 911 turbo and there must have been a million of those fuckers in the engine bay. car smelled like hell, and cooked all of them. funny thing is–i swear they are drawn to heat. i’ll pull a car in on the rack and watch them crawl onto a hot exhaust, and just get burned to death. they will cook from the inside out. just be an empyty shell left.
they are hard to kill other wise. i fucked w/ one-- stuck it in butle (it is liek a black silly putty) the bitch was stuck in it for a good 2 weeks. it was still alive. i then stuck it and the butle to the hood of my car. it stayed stuck to the butle but didnt die in 80+ mph winds. i then painted it w/ a yellow paint marker. thats my tracking device. i see it every now and then around the garage.
none yet, i like the yellow paint marker idea…
That’s pretty funny. I stepped on one a little bit before I realized they are called Stinkbugs and it probably wouldn’t smell good.
I agree with theyre probably drawn to heat. I find them mainly in the windows and in the light that’s in the exhaust fan in the shower. So must be something with that. I’m going to do different experiments on what they can survive through (Brake Kleen, Gasoline, Windex, etc etc etc)
brake clean will kill them. takes more brake clean than to kill ants or bees/wasps. you almost have to get a puddle around it, so it cant crawl out of it. thats w/ advance auto brand brake clean. kerosene did nothing, unless they fall in and drown. i’ll try to find other ways to torture them while i work. maybe hot motor oil when i change oil.
FEMA is going to search this and everyone will go down.
they are drawn to heat that is why you only tend to see them inside on days when it is cool outside
i have yet to actually smell them the most ive seen was 1 every few days
I’ve found about 5 or so…this spring, none in the past…so they are new guests this year.
but we still have a decent amount of house centipedes…I HATE THESE THINGS, give me the willies just thinking about them