FNF3 leaked script review

I thought I would have SOME interest in this movie, but I’m not even the slightest bit excited or wanting to see this movie. Even though I will be within the 50 meters of the movie for 4 days a week when it comes out, I dont think I will even peak in.

gah… Might as well just watch the ID movie (i thought it was pretty good)

mehhh to this movie…


I hate that kid.
Hopefully it will not be as cheesy as part 2 with all the computer animated shit. But then again like Sasha said the hero is lil bow wow… so how good can it be?

He’s not the ‘hero’. He just plays the role of some guy named Twinkie.

The ‘hero’ is played by Lucas Black.

Edit: Just got word from a credible source that the ‘japanese engine’ in the 66 Mustang will be an RB26.

Damn. I was hoping it’d be a 4AGE or something… :hsugh:

yeah… i think it was super street.

this guy is a regular slooth eh.

ive seen a mercedes clk 430 with a 454 in it…ugh! the humanity!

Haha was it in Super Street? Oh well, there you go.

Shoulda said somethin sooner spilllll nerrr :twisted:

cough it was in Modified … a long time ago.

And the bastards stole my idea. RB26 in a Mustang is a great idea.

Contrary to what most people think, the first gen pony cars were small, light, and handled very well. Since they are already set up to take inline 6s from the factory it would be a very easy swap to do. I wanted to do it to my Cougar, but RBs are very frickin spendy. It’ll be cheaper to just build a fire-breathing small block. It’s not like the RB is exactly a lightweight.

I wish I could say “kids today are smarter than that.” but I know I’d be wrong. I saw FF at the old Sherway cinema, and when walking out to our cars, there was nothing but ricers winding up their Hondas and ripping it through the lot. It was cool though, cops were waiting for them all.

I don’t know why so many other movies that glorify some kind of bad behaviour don’t affect so many kids/young adults. Mind you, considering like 85% of the industry is comprised of brain-dead wannabes, it really doesn’t take much to incite them. I mean, look at how many “tooners” make really really really bad judgements based on terrible information.

I’ll still rent it or find it for free “somehow”. Why? Because it’s silly and involves cars. Same reason I’ll sit through Smokey and the Bandit.

This movie is going to make everyone want a 240 and make drifting all pouplar…and i hate bow wow…such a …bad…everything…lol …but i dont like what it will do to drifting…i like it being not known to wel…

w/e. im gunna have the time of my life watching all the hondas try to drift out of the parking lot after the movie :lol:

^^ we should set up lawn chairs.

if you or anyone else thinks drifting is still “underground” you are sadly living in the past. I mean, yah your mom might not know what it is but most people have caught on by now, especially in the US.
This movie will cause a lot of kids to buy 240’s and other RWD cars for more than they are worth, and then proceed to crash them.
Then the fad will go away like every other fad ever does.

yo mesh back hats rule!

yo motegi MR7’s rule!

yo drifting rules!

it all comes and goes, whoever is left rocking MR7’s or wearing mesh backs or drifting once the fads go away are the true followers, not the pretenders. yay.

It would be AWESOME for you guys if the Hero was driving an S13/14.

Do you know how much 2G DSMs went up in price after the first F&F :o

It’s a double edged sword.