
: who els wants to go watch it

Looks pretty dumb except for the cars which are quite high scale. I might just see it for exotic cars.

everybody on this board is gonna see it man, maybe we should set up a meet to watch it together.

Totally gay trailers, just egoistical bad acting in very expensive cars and special effects.

I’m not going to see it, the crashes look fake, even though they’re real and it was a total waste of some very nice cars.

can you say fast & furious with exotics?

I am definately not going to see it! I am on my own personal mission to boycott this movie because of the senseless destruction of amazing cars when they could have just made replicas. Stupid stupid stupid rich stupid people.

Yeah i am going to see it

they wrecked the cars to make the movie why? they could have used some camra tricks and given those cars to poor people like me… its gona be a crappy movie but il see it for the cars… if the plot is any good il be surprised

I highly doubt they wrecked actual cars. The only one hurt I believe is the enzo. Good idea on the meet and watch!

Yes they wrecked the actual cars so your high doubt is wrong,

and yes it looks like a terrible movie made for ricers.

ima see it, after all eddie griffith or whatnot wrecked a enzo for this

but what you really want to see is that tarentino movie. with the girl that has a gun on her leg lol

country club kids + fast n furious = redline :stuck_out_tongue: …anybody watch bullrun?

No, they definately also wrecked a Porsche Carrera GT and Diablo.

Ya that is pretty stupid of them

I think Eddie Griffin wrecked his career just like his Enzo.

It wasn’t his Enzo.

Fail. Picard isn’t impressed.


waaaaa.waaaaaa…waaaaa… WHAT THE !@#$ is wrong with people!!!. how can someone just do that even if you do have all the money you want… I hope he builds a coke addiction and ODs. Prick. Im here scrapin every cent to keep my s13 runnin… and i see enzo being driven and crashed by mofos that look like they couldn’t pass their g2… It really pains me to see this.

Since when did Eddie Griffin ever have a career?..Jeez, they wreck a million dollars worth of cars you figure maybe they could shell out for an “A list” actor.

I saw that last night, sneak peek kinda deal from a local radio station. FUCKING AWESOME MOVIE. GO SEE IT. they wreck a couple nice muscle cars in the second film, but its worth it. non-stop hilarity and gruesome action throughout.