Fobwall's Track Day! Sep 16th (Dunnville Autodrome)

The only record you’ll ever break is the one in your grandma’s music collection. :slight_smile:

no mark i was going to buy osads car but i was the one that bought apollos 92fastback with the black hood i was one of the frist cars at the wasaga meet me weaver92240 and dan(big byrd) went up together no anyone with a clutch?

is there still space left?

looks like there is still room
until those people pay I’d assume so.

Thats cause I’m mixing down hitting the cross-fader ripping up my 1200s with mo-fo butcher knives and 9mms and whatnot.

I dunno…I guess my estrogen levels are a little high from the Soy milk I drank :slight_smile: Quick someone gimme a steak and a beer to level me out.

550 whp is a nice number…I wouldnt want to loose any of your low end thrust to gain top end at Dunnville though…at Mosport, 550 would be sweet!!

Fuzzy will be starting to build the car soon…next year he should be ready…

You spin?

Dave, you asked my opinion on which was faster. I told you…

I didn’t rub it in either, I don’t know where you got the “i feel sorry for you line”.

man, had I known you would’ve gotten all antsy, I would have said Fobwall was faster.

they’re both very quick cars. take it easy papo-chapo.

and kollo, dan is not big byrd- he is osad. there can be only one…

no i no sorry big byrd i didnt no there was an actualle big byrd thats just what some ppl. call his car sorry dude didnt no

[QUOTE=big-byrd;257552]Dave, you asked my opinion on which was faster. I told you…
I didn’t rub it in either, I don’t know where you got the “i feel sorry for you line”.
man, had I known you would’ve gotten all antsy, I would have said Fobwall was faster.

Yo you need to buy more expensive weed man your memory is sketchy. I never asked for your opinion WTF. I might have exaggerated a bit but you said something like…sorry to say bro but you car isn’t s fast as Jons…and I said who the F is Jon themn you pointed him out.

Anyway…Jammin already beat you to the Fobwall thing weeks ago but has since found the light.

Bring your afro-puff machine out this season and I’ll learn ya.

btw dave, keep in mind jon wasn’t beating the shit out of his S14 like you were doing with your GTR, haha.

now he has proper alignment, we reinstalled his avc-r which wasn’t in before when he was running ~12psi, and we might have a couple more changes coming very soon.

it’s super duper very totally top secret. i’d tell you, but i’d have to kill you.

and dave, if you want to know why i don’t bring the car out, i’ll talk to you about it when we get together next weekend.
in the meantime, please drop it.

and for the record, you asked me which was faster, “the black S14” or your GTR… and you know i don’t smoke chronic, spanky. :stuck_out_tongue:
clearly you don’t take criticism well, lol.

i’ll be in the neighborhood soon so i’ll give you a call.

LOL i don’t care man, relax. i was just breaking balls.

cough dave cough just cough breaking balls cough

haha ya I never take this net chatter personally…you should have heard the random stuff about me. I don’t know how to drive, I brake to early, I accelerate too late, my line is bad, the skyline is too heavy, too old, so and so’s car will own you etc…who cares? Bring it to the track - less talk.

I’ve driven Skylines around that kinda power either 2530s or 2860-5s and there is NO problem putting it down quicktime and it pulls and pulls to redline.

Mosport fo sure next year at least a couple dates.

Why are you such a Drama King is it because they cancelled the OC? Relax sister, you always have The Hills!!!

You’re always in the center of it too.

Wasn’t driving hard now? Cool cause I was only running 9psi that day so I guess neither was I.

Best track day thread ever…12 pages.
And Jon…would be alot of fun I’m sure to do some hot laps with you, can’t wait…see ya there.

drama king?

lmao, dave, i’m sitting here at work laughing out loud as i write this and every other post i made here.

easy essay.

you know what Harvey would say to you right now?

“Eyeeh, doooo, I think you need a bigger tubooo…”

lol. :stuck_out_tongue:


Can a mod please move my thread to the Drama Section?

Anyways, 2 spots left, if you haven’t paid, then tough luck. I’m not chasing anyone around for money anymore, tons of pple wanna come but there aren’t enough spots.

^^me too.

I hope everyone knows this is entertainment for me. I proly should put more smiley faces and LOLz after every sentence. Ooops.

Anyway get a haircut and get a real job you lightweight :slight_smile: LOLZ

With all the good stuff put aside…I would have to agree with Dave on the internet crap and how things are misleading. One of the track days I let my buddy do a few laps in my car…first time on the track, he was more scard to break something on the car then anything…so he puss foots around the track for a few laps. Now look what i found on Ytube…Battle royal with a RX7.

Who are you? Ahmed?