focus custom gauge pods

made a two custom gauge pods out of the stock dash insert and the radio installation kit…heres some pics. tell me what you think.

Those look good! That boost guage looks good too :tup:

Looks good - not a fan of the hot red tho

But other than that, nice job!

so its alrdy boosted?? i thought u hadent done it yet 4 some reason? looks good either way

Looks pretty good!

But damn, whoevers car that is really prys the shit out of the dash when trying to take the cd player out.

the car belongs to the guy that posted this thread … Nick …

and the dash around the radio is factory painted, making it easy to scratch, but at the same time, those marks hardly show in person, they just look like crap in pics

its an easy fix tho … a piece of 400 grit, some primer and a coat of new paint … wouldnt take more then 1/2 an hour if you took ur time

looking good!

sorry about the tease…STILL havent boosted yet…just waitin on the SCT pro racer package. got all the hardware though and ready to go

boosted focus :tup:

red dash :tdown:

nice job

sorry about the red…the focus is an “S2” edition and the color theme of the S2 is grey and red, so i stuck with it…i like it alot, better than where most people will go crazy makin the WHOLE interior two tone spray paint where your blinded drivin in the sun, i think its just enough to make a statement. im all about bein different, thats why im boostin a focus

wow looks good man. real clean… color is not my style, but it’s your car.

well i like it, but u did all that work and bought cheap ass sunpro guages

maybe they are for test fitting? but yea, install looks good

couldnt find any other gauges in 1&3/4"

install looks good, but what is up with the silver Ek hatch? :tspry:

nice work… what brand are the top two gauges?

appear to be auto meter

the silver hatch is my uncles car…for sale…he wants $3000 though, not for people here cuase its in excellent condition the way it is and most here arent lookin for a d16 DD for $3000, and yes the two top guages are autometer CF UL series

i bid 1k !