FocusInProgress v. HOW MANY TIMES am i gonna redo my setup

just a quick pic…my camera was dying and not flashing…but thanks to some ideas from Don over the phone i got everything working and took a spin around the block. boost kicks in a bit faster…tomarrow when its lighter out im gonna wire up the LC-1 and adjust my tune file accordingly. then hopefully i can get some runs in before my car comes off the road the 15th

A redo is no big deal…as long as each time it gets better.

Good work.

thanks, it definately gets better each time lol. this time i switched to open dump for the wastegate, but only because once i welded the new wastegate line into the existing dump tube, i couldnt get 3 of the 5 bolts in for the downpipe :rant: i called hybrid and luckily don was there and basically said just cut it off and make it an open dump so i can bolt the downpipe on first. so i did lol.

:tup: to don for still being at the shop answering questions at 9pm

don’s the man