For all the cop rants

Went through a checkpoint on 417 right outside of Olean this weekend. My car has 20% tint on the front, 5% on the back. My inspection was due in March.

Me: “i know i know, pull over”
Trooper: (chuckles)

Trooper: “License and registration”
Trooper: “You know your inspection is up?”

Me: “ya i know”
Trooper: “why haven’t you had that taken care of?”

Me: “Not enough time between work and school”
Me: “im getting it taken care of wednesday”

Trooper: “you know you have illegal windows?”
Me: “yes i know, way too dark”

Trooper leaves and comes back with the tint meter

Trooper: “roll those up for me will ya?”
Me: “no problem”

Trooper: “Damn, 16%… well those are well past the 70% mark.”
Me: “I know, had them done in high school and haven’t taken them off”

Trooper: “ill be right back”

Comes back and says “Don’t worry about it, you wern’t a smart ass and didn’t give me any problems, have a good one”

No tickets, no warnings, no problem… OH and it was pouring rain.

Just to show that if you aren’t a prick and just roll with it police are nice people too.


most of the time this doesnt happen… but, if you treat officers like human beings (like everyone wants to be treated), you are a hell of a lot more likely to get this kind of reaction.

i have only had maybe two encounters where they were pricks, other than that they have been pretty cool, as far as warnings and stuff…


Now get your car inspected and remove your tints, because the next time I can almost guarantee you’re not getting out of it.

just like any other job, theres cool ones, and dicks

just more power trippin dicks than nice ones

Good deal. Way to not be a dick to someone doing their job. :tup:


just more power trippin dicks than nice ones


Just more people complaining about the power trippin dicks. And not mentioning the nice ones. :wink:

I dont think the rain thing plays in your arguements favor.

I would think he would just want to get out of it instead of giving you a ticket, then stand out there listening to excuses and questions.


I dont think the rain thing plays in your arguements favor.

I would think he would just want to get out of it instead of giving you a ticket, then stand out there listening to excuses and questions.


Tickets are a bit different now for troopers. Its all on a computer print out. They had to be in the rain anyway for the fact it was a checkpoint and all… i’m sure he would of rather stayed in the car to type up the tickets lol

lol not bad


if you treat officers like human beings (like everyone wants to be treated), you are a hell of a lot more likely to get this kind of reaction.


werd… I can’t count the amount of times I’ve been let off for treating the cop with respect. Granted there are times that it just doesn’t matter… but a majority of the time, most are pretty down to earth people that are just doing their jobs

did you get it inspected?

Nope, its getting done on wednesday at 8:00am. Just like I told the trooper.

It goes back to the old saying: “You have to give respect to earn it.”. If you understand that they are just doing their job and talk to them normally, 9 times out of 10 they will be nice to you.

I have gotten out of everything. My worst was not having a license on me, driving after 9, not having a night license, neons, and blasting music. Simply, have a good night and get home is all he said after he verified i wasn’t wanted for anything.

On a side note, it might help that I got NYSP stickers on my car from 2006 and 2007. Lol.

I’ve had cops be complete assholes and then turn around after I’m super charming and nice, and realize I’m not doing whatever they thought I was or something.

I had just pulled into my friends driveway, and a police officer followed me, I parked, shut the car off, and got out when he turned the lights on.

Me: Whoa ok. [put my hands up and got back in car]

Officer: where are you going in a rush!? do you live here!? where are you coming from?! what are you doing?!
Me: no where. i was going here to my friends house. i’m coming from work. [was going like 32 in a 30, and didn’t slow down going over tracks]

officer: license and registration and insurance!!
me: here, i’m honestly not sure where my insurance card is though.

officer: so who lives here?
me: [says names]

officer: so you don’t live here?
me: no sir. i live in blasdell. [we’re in angola]

officer: do me a favor and hit your brakes [looks at lights] ok now right turn singal, ok now left. ok put your tail lights on. ok yeah you def. have something screwed up going on here.
me: [explains why]

officer: ooooh alright, get that fixed. whens the last time you got a ticket?
me: uh… like 3 weeks ago?
officer: is it outstanding? have you ever had your license suspended?
me: uh well it’s outstanding right now, i missed court so i’m not sure about anything.

officer: ok stay here.
[comes back]

officer: ok have a nice night, get that lighting issue fixed!
me: thank you! have a WONDERFUL night too.


Nope, its getting done on wednesday at 8:00am. Just like I told the trooper.


just hope you dont get pulled over by an a$$ till then.