for all you fishing guys......big fish content inside

I’ve kept a few larger walleye but those fuckers are delicious.

I go right to the tight of the power plant myself, catch stripers like there’s no tomorrow

We’ll have to pick one up and install it before hand. Or you could be like me and wayne and Download voxxer on our clickers since we didnt have cb’s

I agree.

Walleye and perch are amazing. I like rainbow’s as well. I dont fish for them much, but when I do its for dinner.

Perch are massive on Saranac, easy to find one with plenty of meat.

Don’t have to go that far for big perch

Thanks for sharing, I just can’t seem to find big pike when I’m looking for them. Have had plenty of fun with some big ones while fishing for lake trout but never landed any monsters on the 2lb. Keep posting them big ones man, good luck to any and all out on the water this season.

I have ALOT of big fish under my belt LOL. Too many. I have been fishing with a semi pro bass fisherman for the last year or so and he says im a big fish freak lol.

big northerns are picky. There is only a small window to really hook into them constantly and its right now, right after there spawn. They still hangout in the shallows and become really aggressive and start to feed. They will be impossible to catch again until late fall when the water drops back down into the 50’s or so.

Tiger muskie’s are even more difficult. A fish of “10,000” cast’s…I would say its more like 20,000

What about chain pickerel? My buddy landed a 34" chain pickerel 2 summers ago along with a couple mid 20 inchers while we were out in about 6’ of weedy water with water temps in the mid 70s in the dead of summer. Is that normal? Since they are a type of pike as well I always assumed they’d be most active in the colder waters. Or were we just getting lucky lol? I dunno I’m more of a go fish for fun person. I never really research about it lol.

when I was up at champlain a few weekends ago, me and my fishing partner were catching back to back 30" chain pickeral. We caught like 4-5 of them. He said thats the average size up there.

Personally those slim darts drive me nuts. They are nothing but annoying. They kill your lures and they are impossible to grab.

Lol they’re fun on a light rod when your out fishing for panfish though haha. Except when they chew through your line.

LOL @ Slime darts! I hate those things. They obliterate new bass populations too.

and northern populations.

Pickeral spawn before northerns do so when the northern hatching’s come, the baby pickeral are already there feeding on the baby pike.

I love water wolf’s but hate slim darts lol

Well that explains why I caught 4 pickerel and nothing else back in early April… Haha

I’ve never actually targeted pike before, just bass. The club I’m in is having a pike tournament next weekend, so i’ll be giving it a shot then. Hopefully it won’t be too late.

I should really go get my license. I like to shore fish up in Esperance on the schoharie creek. I usually catch pretty decent bass in there and the occational walleye this time of year.

Where in esperance?

The bridge from 20 into esperence there’s an auto shop just before it where it’s easy to access the creek.

That entire area of the creek is now physically completely different.

Yeah I figured I didn’t fish once last season.

yeah i know that spot, i go out sometimes up by central bridge on a canoe and never really catch much of anything