For the gun lovers living in Albany and the surounding counties

Albany County Staging Attack on Ammunition Sales!

Please Stand-Up and Make Your Voice Heard!

At Monday night’s meeting of the Albany County Legislature, Legislators Phillip Steck (D), Douglas Bullock (D) and Wanda Willingham (D) introduced Local Law “A”, a proposal that would regulate the purchase of ammunition in Albany County.

Local Law “A” would require that a valid firearms license be shown when purchasing ammunition. The law would also mandate that retailers keep a record of ammunition sales, including the type, caliber, and quantity of the ammunition, make, model and serial number of the firearm it is for, as well as the purchaser’s name and address. As if that is not enough, Local Law “A” would also create a secondary method of gun registration for both long guns and handguns. Local Law “A” has been sent to the Law Committee.

Congress has tried ammunition registration in the past, only to discover that it was not only ineffective for law enforcement, but also completely unmanageable due to the sheer volume of transactions. Ammunition registration creates huge record keeping requirements and provides no useful benefits for law enforcement; which is why it was repealed under the Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986.

Please contact the members of the Law Committee and the County Legislators TODAY and respectfully voice your opposition to Local Law “A.” Contact information for the members of the Law Committee can be found below. County Legislators can be reached by phone at (518) 447-7168 or fax (518) 447-5695. For more contact information, please visit

George L. Infante - District 01
9 McDonald Road
Albany, NY 12209
Home: (518) 449-5822

Christopher T. Higgins - District 06
88 Dove Street
Albany, NY 12210
(518) 320-8580

Donald W. Rahm - District 09
271 South Main Avenue
Albany, NY 12208
Phone: (518) 489-2277

Phillip G. Steck - District 15
12 Paul Holly Drive
Loudonville, NY 12211
Phone: (518) 463-7786

Robert J. Beston - District 16
1406 6th Avenue
Watervliet, NY 12189
Home: (518) 272-1038

Shawn M. Morse - District 18
PO Box 402
Cohoes, NY 12047
(518) 470-4126

William M. Hoblock - District 26
20 DeLucia Terrace
Loudonville, New York 12211
Home: (518) 465-2906

Patrice Lockart - District 27
12 Peach Tree Lane
Albany, NY 12205
(518) 456-3866

Bryan M. Clenahan - District 30
30 Woodlake Road
Albany, NY 12203
Telephone: (518) 464-7601

I just signed all of them up for gay porn

THIS is why I live in Rensselaer County.

And that is the problem with gun owners. “It doesn’t directly effect me so I can’t be bothered with it.” It’s an attack on the Second Amendment and any gun owners, no matter where they live, should be pissed. I also live in Rensselaer County. What makes you think this will stop in Albany?

Yeah this will spread like wildfire throughout different counties, except for maybe Schoharie county :lol The amount of record keeping and having to register every gun is a huge task, these law makers are just trying everything to to make our life hard. Also shouldn’t a law like this come from at least the state, not county. Why does the county have this much power?

Because we allow it…

d00d if a bunch of counties do it, the state will prob follow along and make it a state law, those fuckers:Idiots

That’s what happens when you live in a Democratic majority state, time to GTFO, actually I want to move to Cali and it isn’t better :ohnoes

your a retard, cali sucks ballz:retardclap

I’m more than happy to support this… dont get all aggressive.

Rensselaer County has a lot of 2nd amendment supporters, which include Judges.

Cali’s gun laws are 400X worse than NYS.

Hey I know Brian Clenahan :slight_smile:

I’m going to email everyone on the Law Committee who’s email address you’ve listed. Is there some kind of formal letter already written going around I can draw from or should I just do my best not to sound like a retarded hillbilly?

Where is the problem with this? If you have a gun license its not an issue.

I think ammo regulation is a good idea. Now it might be slightly harder for Jamal to bust a cap in somebody’s ass.

Awesome…more regulations that will only effect the law abiding citizens because we all know they are the ones responsible for all the gun related crime.

are you serious?:wtf this limits our rights that were provided to us via second amendment, they start with shit like ammo and keep chipping away at our rights. and then they will have record of what ammo you had and esp. if they start stamping casings with serial #'s and someone jacks ammo from you and kills some dude with it, it will come back to you and then you will be fucked. and i know i wont have a problem with jamal theres only like 2 darkies in my whole town :lol

PJB, answer me this. Why does the government need to know what king of gun I will be buying ammo for? Why do they need a serial number and my address?

And honestly, I don’t give a shit about Jamal busting a cap in anyone’s ass, because I know it wont be mine.

Its probably an attempt to track down the gun if a crime is committed.

Okay great so someone gets there hands on a stolen gun commits a crime with it the police trace the ammo back to the original owner, they show up at the original owners house to find out the gun was stolen, now they are back at square one and have convieniently spent a chunk of tax dollars to get nowhere.

Nobody in their right mind would use their own registered gun to commit a gun crime.

IIRC in Europe they banned guns, most cops don’t even have them, but plenty of criminals have illegal guns so that’s why the crime rate is so high. Even crimes commited with knifes skyrocketed. What are you going to do? Ban steak knifes? The less gun control the safer everyone is.