For the two N's splitting lanes on the thruway west bound at rush hour today...

What makes a rider any more “right” to do that than a car going down the shoulder to go around everyone to be the first to get to the toll booth and sit on ass some more? Just because you physically have an advantage and the ability to split lanes at a difference of 40+ mph like they were, doesn’t make it ok to do. Chances are they weren’t off to something so damn important in life, to risk it getting there. And if I flattened them because I moved a little to the side, didnt cross the yellow line, and they hit me… what did I do wrong? If they are alive after, good, bet they wont do that again, and maybe they will tell their buddies its not a good idea anymore. just like the recent kids dying from acting like retards on bikes. MORE THAN ONE OF YOU in here commented “Made me think… I probably should slow down too…” dont tell me it didnt. Same concept.

All the talk about “why sweat it when you cant change it”. I fully understand that my actions probably wont 100% change the drivers on the road. Thats not my intention. I am not a sit back and watch life pass me by person. I am a man of action, and evolution. Feel free to sit back and watch everything get worse around you. Just like the quote “If you aren’t apart of the solution, you are a part of the problem.” If one out of every 10 people I see act like a fool in front of me, and I creatively let them know it… and it sinks in and they make a conscious effort to not do that again because that guy in the grey Jetta “told me”… My efforts were not a total waste. Its one step in the right direction, one more than sitting and watching, doing nothing will do. I have my examples that my actions worked. Some bitch I saw every day for a while eating a bagel and coffee on the ride to work on rt5… swerving all over, driving like shit. I went to pass her and she almost hit me. I reached for my Stewarts sticky bun, unwrapped it and hucked it out the window! Stuck on her windshield! She caught up at the next light and flipped out on me (as expected). I simply said, “Look, I see you just about every day eating your breakfast, swerving all over, and people having to avoid you while you are distracted… you almost hit me back there and I had enough of it and let you know it. Take an extra 5 minutes in the morning and eat at home, you WILL cause accidents if you didnt already.” After that I NEVER saw her eating again on rt5, and ever time I drive by I look at here, no coffee, and she looks at me like “yep you were right”.

Why do I have to adjust my life, my actions and my lifestyle (take prescription drugs) just to partake in daily activities, because a vast majority of people doing them along side of me blatantly dont give a shit about anyone else but them selves & put others in harms way for stupid reasons? FUCK YOU. I dont live in a bubble and wont. If I have to pass you on the right after following you for 5 miles and you just dont drive where you belong, and I point back at you and point to the right… so be it. if it works, great. if not, ohh well. The talk about me getting a new car, and the next one that crosses me is getting it… simply means if I am alone in the car I wont be hitting the brakes the next time someone pulls out infront of me. I wont be moving over when they want to take over my lane next to me. Just hang on for the ride… NOTHING I would be doing would be wrong. Cruise controll set, chillin in my lane only mistake I would be making is being alert enough to notice shit they didnt and not trying to avoid their incompetence.

Thanks for caring about my well being though. I understand and appreciate it. I just make my feelings more vocal than they really are for dramatic effect. lol I have a lot going for me in life, if this dumb stuff was really impacting it in a negative way, Xanax here I come. :number1