Um, being a doctor and making your own hours > *
Plus, dentists make the most money of any doctors, because of things like their malpractice insurance is only $2500/year. You can work out of your house and not be considered “creepy”. You don’t have to take any insurance if you don’t want to be bothered with it. There are a lot of bonuses.
Sales = hard job, long hours, and stressful.
Plus, when you tell women you are a doctor, it sounds a lot better.
All very good points. I have weighed the pros and cons of all the medical jobs and I found virtiually zero cons with dentistry. Oral Surgery is the dream, but 4 years DDS/DMD, then 4 more years Specializing in Oral Surgery, then atleast 1 year of residencey, I will be practicing by the time I am what 32 :bloated: But it will totally be worth it in the end.
I would not mind doing sales though for a few years before I have no financial income at all. I figure I will be around 250-300K in debt depending where I go. Unless I go to UB :tup: