for us that went to flash light drags

wooh, its getting pretty hardcore in here!!

The funny thing is that Micah doesn’t even know about this yet… Nothing like living through your kids huh?

It probably doesn’t matter anyway… nda8001 is all talk!

I love it!

Mike what kind of job does your 16 year old have? Does he do all of his own work on the car? The fld’s are not a street races it is a controled atmosphere! Bring your Mopar out or are you still paying some one to build it? Tell Micah to never bet agaist a street racer on the street and to leave his daddy at home. You live in Portersville I’ll me him on 19 for a STREET RACE( not some homo event where they run an 1/8 mile or a 1000 feet. Now Mike why you want to bust my chops when I was talking to you I was respectful and now you want to drag your son into this.

Ohhh a street racer on the street. You are such a bad ass. Lets see some pics of this killer street car

Sorry I’m a posting Illerate. It’s not pretty just a 86 Camaro with an 8 piont and some wheels, hood and gauges. No reall paint or graphics looks like hell actually. what you want for a $2,000 hot rod.

i want to take on winner:blue:

Mike by the way street racing ediquette dictates that the challenger( Micah) runs suicide lane.

Come on Jim! First of all this is all in fun so don’t get your shorts in a knot. Second, my son works very hard at several jobs including helping with the dyno. And yes, if you read his build thread it will be obvious to you he does all of his own work. As for my mopar, if I was paying someone to do my work it would have been done before you were born.
As far as busting your chops, isn’t that what street racing is/was all about?

whats this thread about again???

Its demonstrating that NDA8001 is a complete douche canoe. So far he’s doing a great job.


Hell, I’ll run the winner with my slow pickup

what are you scared of getting beat by a honda or a young kid because the last fag in a mustang taking shit got walked all over out here but i mean if your scared thats cool i…ll let you run one of our girls cars…

what is the difference if he is 16 or 57, or if he has a job or not. i thought street racing was run what you brung. it sounds like you are scared of a 16yo with a honda.
i will race you. do i need to fax you my w2 to prove i have a job? do i need to send pics to prove i work on my own shit?

post pic of you working on your Camaro with a bottle of Crown Royal on top of the intake :rofl:

so its a roller?

hope your feet are faster than Fred Flintstone’s

Pancho how do you figure it’s a roller?

because you gave details about your car and never said anything about what was in it. like engine or power adder.

That is my business and your problem. Street racer rule #1 NEVER TELL class dismissed.:itr41: