for us that went to flash light drags

Nice. We had a lot of fun at Steel Valley last summer.

newest news i hear is there is talks about repaying PID which would be amazing to see do to the closeness of it
this was the talks about this weekend

Can someone translate this into english please?

PID=pittsburgh international dragway which was in bridgeville. the track still exist but has been used for trailer storage for many years. it was a premier track up until it was shut down.

so i am assuming there is talks of reopening which would be badass but prob unlikely.

Evidently this is the where the problem is coming from…

Brian J. Gearhart
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
400 North Street
P.O. Box 3457
Harrisburg, PA 17105-3457
Phone: (717)-705-1260

Feel free to inundate this person with your complaints about shutting down the FLD at the local airports. Make sure he understands that: the airports and the local municipalities receive revenue from these events, having these events makes the streets and highways of Pennsylvania safer by giving street racers a venue, and that he is depriving families in those areas of a safe, fun form of entertainment.

It is really the spectators that he is hurting here…the racers will move on to whatever new locations are scheduled. The thousands of families that came to watch these events are really the ones who are going to lose out on a fun afternoon of cheap family entertainment.

Seems like there always has to be one bureaucrat or politician with his head up his ass that screws it up for everyone…

Well I don’t know what the deal is with the PID rumors, but after talking to Michael and Tom at world of wheels, they told us where the TBD dates on the schedule were going to take place, and it will also be in ohio :frowning:

Near Ohio

i thought steel valley was in ohio?

Email sent, I know I’ve never been, but for the winter, this was why I was working on my car performance wise. How far away from the south hills is steel valley?

from robinson its about 45 min

I was talking about the TBA track

i see

By the sounds of it no airport in PA will be allowed to do this. But, didn’t it say it was a federal mandate?? So Ohio is just choosing to not enforce it yet?

columbus…wtf , thats a far ass drive , but it goes till midnight

Well the two prospective locations for the TBA’s that I heard were:

Beaverun and Thompson

Beaverun is close…Thompson…well, no…

Beaverun would be awesome. Not sure how they would pull it off space wise but its an interesting proposition.
Quik83Z we should roll out some time. I live right up the street from you.

they had it at beaverun before

IMO Beaver Run sucked for a venue. they raced on the front stretch. Cars had traction issues and it was hard to get a good view.

Yeah, I was there the day they had it at Beaverun…it was just ok…only a few cars showed up…not nearly as nice as any of the airports…

Where right up the street?

Ok I can’t keep quiet about this anymore. This is total BS. We all know none of those airports are honestly THAT busy, so any extra income they could get was loved.

To me, this honestly perpetuates that they PROMOTE street racing, by taking away one of the few LEGAL ways of racing for us.

I’m just thrilled to pieces that if I wanna run my friends car to see who’ll win, so much for waiting for the nice 20 min drive to find out, but now a freaking hour plus drive…

I can’t wait to get pulled over all the time this summer because now people to lazy to drive out to Ohio to race are ganna start racing on the highways, and so any modded import is ganna be a driving target. Yea, it’s an extreme example, but let’s face it, Butler is notorious for idiots.

I honestly think this needs to be brought up with the media or something. Hell, loan me the money to buy the 1/8th mile of property that they arn’t using downtown Butler and I’ll build a strip there.

All this spurred by the article that appeared in the Butler Eagle tonight.