Ford = Owned

…like the Undead in a zombie movie, the car keeps rising from the grave.

I couldn’t help but laugh. Seriously how hard is it to kill a product line off.

The Taurus has now been Ford’s sales leader longer than the celebrated Model T.


For whatever reason…I loved my 96 GL…I beat the shit out of that car and it took everything i threw at it.

yea deff rockin the taurus again, 94 gl, butttttt the 3.8 motor is probably the worse ford motor ever, and after 90k ive done headgaskets twice :eek:

the gwagon was strong.

The Windbag blew a headgasket at about 50K, couple thousand worth of damage caused by that (paid by the extended warranty!), then the transmission crapped out soon after (warranty again). Then it had to be repaired again, $1200 covered days before the warranty expired. 3.8 litres of genuine Ford SHIT, that thing is always broken.

the best selling car in fords history and still selling strong.
hey, lets stop making it.
ford wonders why they are losing money.

That’s good economics to kill off one of your best sellers…

No wonder domestic car companies can’t stay afloat (that and the UAW).

Is it possible that this old warhorse remains Ford’s best-selling passenger car?

“I guess it is,” said George Pipas, a company spokesman, when asked if the Taurus’ estimated 71,000 sales in the first four months of 2006

value? try and find a comproble car for this money

Hertz Car Sales now offers 2006 models in the $14,000 to $15,000 range and 2005s for $11,000 to $13,000

there is a book called the car that saved ford, they use to have it on TCCA but it was taken down. i read through a bunch of it and it was a good read for a taurus nut such as myself.

FYI the 3.8 head gaskets were revised by felpro so once you replace them they are set for the life of the car.

i coudl go on for days about mistakes in production and in management and engineering that hurt the car :slight_smile:

My first SHO was one of the most enjoyable cars I ever owned. Great performance and comfort for the $$$. Why kill it? Corporate stupidity I guess.