ford parts

hand controls?

please his hand is alwyas on his prick …im game for some fun as ya know but in a few weeks car is goin under the knife again either this weekend or next

Well he might have to stop the man to hand combat for a few seconds and drive.

Wouldnt be the 1st time ive won a race while all fuckin crippled up :lol

i know when is the car gonna be done ?

Mine, or his?

his ,i need a timeline to get mine done bie

Tough to say, as I cant really help him on it for awhile now. Prolly a month or so though. Im itchin to get better so I can give him a hand and get this bad bitch out. Need to start gettin the nice shit out again and take back our spot!

right im thinkin my car will be down for 2 weeks or so till all the shit is done and right

If yours is gonna be down for two weeks you got plenty of time, mine wont be done for a month at least. And im hoping i can be finished test and tuning by mid july, i know thats like mid summer unfortunatley but thats probably the soonest ill be running anyone. Dont have much left to spend on the car but i got a ton of work to do, and my right hand man has now glued his right hand to his prick for six weeks!!!

And i would love to line up four wide both of your burgandy turds are in trouble, cuz white mustangs with black hoods are gonna dust your asses!!! IDK who’s gonna cross the line first but i got a pretty good idea…wink wink

Lets just wait and see what happens.

And btw mines not burgundy- its Wild Strawberry Metallic.

As far as our spot goes, we should move it and start running on 890…the five oh is too heavy around there anymore…

Well see if that thing ever leaves the fuckin lift!! :rofl

lol relax paul i cant wait to see your car run, im just breakin balls. But adam and me know whats up…haha

Dont be givin away the other “spot”!! lol

haha cmon it will leave the lift if i have to back my truck up to the door tie a tow strap to the radiator support and rip it off kid

:lol Word!

lol ill shut up now, im new to this living on shift thing cut me some slack
