
Just got in…went for a cruise on the forks of the credit(pretty well known by bikers)…has anyone driven on this road before?..anyone want to go for a cruise sumtime…its a fun road…really hilly and lots of bends…my fav part is the hair pin curved S turn going up hill…so yea im just trying to get in as much driving as i can before my zx goes in for hibernation

this road sounds fun! i wanna drive it now.

lol yea i enjoy cruising on it…i wish i had a mountable camcoarder for in my car so i cudda recorded it

I was expecting some off-topic thread about some obscurity with regards to forks.

Pics or ban!

lol i forgot to bring my digi with me!! :frowning:

dangerous road as well…

yea u gotta be cautious…and not take corners at highspeeds…there isnt much of a shoulder so kinda small…but fun none the less

/thread failure

Kidding… any aerial shots like the one’s of the " Dragon " in the states?


dun worry im gettin some pics!! gotta load em…i found the turn i was talkin bout

i drove the road with my car last year crazy wild like some initial d shit lol. people on know about this place and they have pic’s i had a vid of me running it but deleted it a long while back… ill see if i can get some pix up. ill be going there spring/summer 07 to run it again :smiley: TNC shoudl all go there one day :stuck_out_tongue:

heres wat i cud find…srry i cudnt get more…photobucket was being gay

yea its awesome…prob my fav road…i might go back tomorrow and snap some pics of the winter scenery if i have time lol :R

^^ that my fav part of the road but the train tracks shoudlnt be there grr. also as you go up more there is a ski mountine lol.

nice pix :R

noicce its my fav part as well…as i stated b4 :stuck_out_tongue:

but ill try and get some better pics …cant promise they’ll be good tho haha

now i want to drive there. someones gotta show me where this road is. sounds so much fun, even if your not driving fast.

i’m game… i wana test out the capability of the max…hahaha

well if u guys wanna go sumtime we shud set a day and time to go…as long as the roads are clear im down

im down with that too.

winter driving my 240 so should be fun… well going like 10 kms a corner at first dont wanna slam into a tree…

well not 10kms but you know just not taking them like a mad man.

well lol i wudnt be able to make it up those hills if theres the slightest amount of snow…wet is ok…i just have a tiny bit of trouble on that s turn goin up…but i can handle it…so any suggestions wen?