It will be built before the bridge sadly haha
All you guys talking about this potentially bringing a lot of money to the area and helping the economy are confusing me. I don’t see how a track in canada will benefit us at all other than the one or two times a year there’s a big race there, and assuming niagara falls hotels fill up some of the traveling race fans settle for a weekend in buffalo. Obviously It’s exciting for us as automotive enthusiasts to potentially have a nice track close to home but regarding it bringing money to the area i’m obviously ignorant so maybe somebody can explain those benefits to me
hi guys… please use enter key
People coming from the south will pretty much have to go through buffalo to get to this track. Im sure a lot of them will opt to stay in the states.
Again that’s a couple weekends a year.
Going through Buffalo? We will get their $1.00 toll for Grand Island, maybe some additional gasoline and fast food sold.
The economy (hotels, resturants, retail stores etc.) is boosted year round from teams testing, weekend club events and the rest of it. They will stay close to the track. The only time the US would see a bump would be big races when hotels are full.
keep in mind fort erie is closer to buffalo than niagara falls
well thats still a bump is it not? Nothing is being puilt or even being considered in buffalo so why not take the extra million or so in extra revenue and just smile?
And TO… These people spending a weekend at the possible races are going to have a choice between titty bars and downtown buffalo…
Shit i just ruined my whole arguement.
Just looking quick at hotwire it looks a heck of a lot cheaper to fly from Charlotte to Buffalo than Charlotte to Toronto. Add in that the drive from Buffalo to the track would be a lot shorter than the drive from Toronto to the track and I think you would see a lot of people come through WNY for a big race. Assuming you weren’t stuck in traffic on the 3 lane peace bridge of course. :roll2:
And so what if it’s once or twice a year? It’s revenue you didn’t have before.
The big problem I see with the “travel event” idea is how many NASCAR fans that don’t live right near the border are going to bother getting a passport to go see a race? Not many I’m guessing.
Im sure this will draw more people then they claim a fucking bass pro will.
Apples to Oranges. Bass Pro is open year round, and if you were a sportsman who had actually been to a Bass Pro you’d realize they actually do draw people from quite a distance. All those rednecks clinging to their religion and guns are a surprisingly large market.
I’ll believe taht when i see it. The store that they are building is defnitely not close to the one they talked about building. Seems like a oversized gander mountain and i dont see it lasting more than a year. They should just build a fucking ESPN zone and i will let them keep the profits from my idea
exactly, why do you think republicans are still in office? ZING
bass pro is going to be huge.
your wrong on this one rob. gander mtn is 1/3 of the size of bass pro and they are still around.
This isnt the bass pro we have been hearing about for years, its scaled down big time. Bass bro will fail within 5 years, and im giving them credit when i say 5 years.
posting from phone.
404 Enter Key Not Found
They will not have as many problems getting this up & going as it would if it were “stateside”. There is alot of hope.
This is great news.
1/2 hour ride. Nice.
Fucking :word:
Or the enhanced drivers license.
Shitty phone, or lazy operator
operator… :tif:
:word: I can’t seem to find the enter key either…
But back on topic, a few years back Niagara Falls USA had it’s opportunity to try for a NASCAR track, even a Disney park. But if I recall correctly politics got in the way.
Again, this is Canada we’re talking about. You can’t compare it to Bass Pro or any of the other failed attempts to boost WNY.
And you also have to look past NASCAR and “Americans” to see full picture of the project and it’s intents.
And in no way will we have a new peace bridge by the time this track is finished.
Josh - remember the crowd you’re talking to. :redface:
Not everyone realizes that life outside of WNY is far different.
how could you take a phone pic of your camera phone?