Forum Challenge - Kramerbuccs

For the next 24 hours all of your posts must contain useful information. Do you accept?




Not happening and o.p is a jack ass for thinking it would

I think the forum goes a week and has probably 3 useful posts contributed

We did a similar game like this at the office.

Our ‘group’ had to be nice to each other. In order to play, you had to pay in $2. If you said ANYTHING that could be considered sarcastic, mean, etc. you were out. You could then pay in another $2 ONE TIME to get back into the game.

The pot ended up being $40.

We hated each other for putting each other through the torture of being nice. We are all sarcastic on a consistent basis and/or crack wise cracks at each other. Being nice really is hard.

Hey pot, meet kettle.

Hey dumbass, meet my touch hole

Never said I make useful posts



I think Joey is saying he wants Jesse to PIITB.

I think Jesse likes little boys so Joey should watch out

This bowl of honey nut cheerios is delicious

Not true. BoxerSix typically has very useful posts.

Theres also a very good thread going on right now with nothing but useful posts. The whole entire thread. (Please refer to the “: Sigh : Why can’t the Travis insanity ever end?” located in the epic section)

I think JClark gave up on me

He definitely does, but only like 2% of the members understand what he’s saying.

Are extensive plans down to the size of a steering wheel on a car that he doesnt have and has never changed his mind about one ever considered useful?

I find that thread very informative. It shows us to never buy anything from or sell anything to Failvis.

:rofl:rofl @ this thread. no. its not possible :smiley:

you dont ever stop, do you?

Explanation required…