Forum Upgrades

Time for rampant complaints that everyone forgets about in 3 weeks!!!

Sounds good guys!

There’s always something to do in NYC. :slight_smile:

haha, no corrupt databases this time!

I can not wait :bloated:

i’m excited.

Well it’s been fun talking to you guys. Have a nice life!



Shit stirrer.

So you mean I actually have to work this weekend?

i thought this too.


very cool :tup:

exactly what I was thinking, this is gonna go just like the last ubrf update lol

Good luck! With warmer temps and sunshine, I’ll be smoking meat outdoors. :slight_smile:

nah, not at all. You have a very smart staff here that know what they are doing with this shit. This will be a move that reflects more content, more features, and much faster speeds. It is a win/win all around. We are not taking anything away from the site at all just adding more to it.


I dont get it

the wheels on the bus go round and round …

thanks for all the work guys.