Forums is SRS BZNS (split)

People Pm you because you’re soft Singh and you clearly think as act like them.

You also have no problem using swearing out in public places, which makes you look extremely unprofessional but fun to the people that know you.

Can’t wait to see you have kids and see how you raise them. Just let them do whatever the hell they want or have certain rules and enforce them??

You’re saying these rules will kill the forum but they’ve been around and nothing happened. Peope cry a river about a ban? It’s their fault, they knew the rule, they knew what’s going to happen, they need to be away for a few days. Whats the excuse you’re expecting to hear? Everybody has got a sob story.

You know what does kill a local forum

Bad reputation and lack of new members staying around. One feeds the other, and it’s happening now. You can proclaim you day of doom all you want, but this is a problem now. Many new members saying they we were warned about joining and or didn’t want to join. Many of them dont stick around. You saying “we don’t want them” is exactly how places die.

Cosseys reply of actually helping was proper


Was not. If I went on a forum and was called a tard by a mod I wouldn’t think kindly of the place.

You guys are crying a river over a few rules, which are very minor compare to nearly every other forum. We rarely get a person banned and when we do it seems like the end of the world even though they will be back in a few days. :facepalm