Forums is SRS BZNS (split)

I feel as though soon as some one answers a thread correctly they should lock it to prevent useless banter. That or just move every useless post to the offtopic thread.

90% of threads would be locked.

There is a difference between topics naturally swaying off topic to related discussions or other by people contributing VS suicide bombing the thread by calling the OP a name or going directly on an unrelated subject.

LOL at suicide bombing and the use of “Habibs” on this same page in a topic about forum racism

I used to do that all the time, how do you think the Offtopic thread and the first few thousands or “replies” got started? Go read the first post in that thread. Obviously that was my strategy, yet when mods decide that instead of just moving a thread it’s better to dive bomb the OP by calling him useless I tend to have a disagreement as I’ve been dealing with this for years without calling people names out of the blue.

I would ban the whole forum. That will teach all of them

Vlad in all seriousness, what are you trying to build this into?

A place for the entire community to come together, same plan it’s always been.

Community’s not going to come together when tools like psi2high are here. Ban for the good of the forum.

I agree with this man:hug

You’re not kidding



Im just helping you rid the forum of jerks

Jerks, the lot of em.