Forza 3 Pics

Good to know. I thought i read somewhere that the G25 does work with the xbox and forza 3 would support the clutch, guess i was mis informed

Yeah the only “realistic” wheel available for the Xbox is the one by Fanatic, and it’s $250+

It’s supposed to be decent, a hair better than the G25, but not as nice as the G27, which is pending from Logitech.

lol, thanks. Blah, need to check some more stuff out, I had the G25 not too long ago, works on the PS3 though.

I was just buggin’… It’s a total pissoff that the G25 doesn’t work on the xbox… PS3 got the better end of that stick.

I think I’ll just stick with my controller on my xbox and get a G25 or G27 and rFactor for my PC.

I HAVE A NEW SEALED FM3 COPY FOR SALE. Get it before your friends.


ZOMG, those are beautiful cars!! So hot!!’

Also, Santi, I am soooo stoked for you. I don’t think you realize! You are a international SUPERSTAR on Blackjack, hahahha.

Big props to you man,

Originally Posted by ronnie416 View Post
…Fuck it i say, you only live once…

LOL!!! I was quoted. QFT!


I was right, it’s 499.99$ for the version that works with the 360. Limited qualities as well,… gotta put an order in before theres no more lol


im not willing to spend 500 bucks on a steering wheel, if it was like half the price that would be reasonable.

You can also get the $349 version. Only difference is the pedals. The clubsport pedals are more expensive because they’re more customizable. The normal pedals are more than enough though. You still get Clutch/brake/gas, some people say they’re just as good if not better than the G25 pedals.

i just made a 6666 customs wide body s14 if anyone is interested.

just search “6666”

its only 2k

^lol make a FS thread


haha forgot i posted that lol yea i made a bings logo on forza 2 the one day … havent gotten to it in forza 3 yet … don’t have my gold account on live atm :confused:

does anyone else completely SUCK at drifting in this game? its really hard.

^ I’m not very good at it myself. The more i practice the better i get though! And just for arguments sake, the car is RWD…