Forza All Star Bash

Well I just came across the AllStar Bash on forza haha, they are good!

after the creds is a wicked crash

wickedddd! shred forza3 tonight!

unhhh time to play

jesse you get my friend request yet?

i believe i did!

just checked and realized you did - drift session soon as i get some practise!

Keezy…you have xbl? Whats your tag?


my xbox just ate the bullet tho…of course its fucking microsoft. Anyways ill be back up and playing by friday.

Haha, I love how they used the same music from the ASB vids.
I’ll be forza’ing shortly.

[DMX] let’s get it on [\DMX]

Lend me thy other copy! Lol

fuck my xbox is broken :(:frowning: i was just about to link you to this video santi haha.

lmao DMX html format