Forza Motorsport

Well its finally out, and I’ve heard nothing but good things about it. Just wondering who else on here will be playing Forza over Xbox Live in the coming months.

I’m planning on buying the Fanatec Speedster Forceshock for that enhanced experience lol. I would have bought the Logitech Driving Force Pro for PS2 had GT4 included online play, but alas.

So yes anyone that will be getting it post here, maybe we can get a SON car club going haha (clubs are fully supported over live, gah so many things to do!)

i donno but i heard its sick …

i heard u can buy a 240 and throw in a sr20 or even a rb no lie

Ya the game allows for engine swaps, any engine can be swapped into any car of the same company.

i’ll be playing on xlink haha…

This game r0x my pants… First thing I did was Nurburgring in an S14 8) Its so sexy, drifting is pretty easy (simple compared to GT4 without the steering wheel) Braking properly without ABS is very tricky to get a hang of unless you really know what you are doing. All other traction controls are teh ghey, so f*ck 'em anyway.

I’m going to go play some more… :twisted:

It’s an insanely great game!!!

Only thing is, on the 240 models there is the 1998 Nissan 240sx (US) but it has the 95-96 headlights (kouki or zenki, don’t have that downpacked yet) with a KA in it, then there is the 1998 Nissan Silvia S14 (JP) looks exactly like the US model but it is RHD and has SR20.
The US model has the engine swaps but the JP model does not. You can choose between the SR20DET (S15 SR since it has 250HP), RB25DET, or the RB26DETT.
I went all out and put an RB26DETT in my US 240, full C-West bodykit, dumped all the mods into it, and now it is slammed with 773HP and 680FT-LBS.
It has too much power though, as it accelerates through 3rd and 4rd gear between 4k-6k RPM roughly, the rear end of the car starts sliding, if you touch the steering while accelling hard through those points you lose complete control… or maybe I can’t drive :?:

Well right there its better than crappy GT4.

anyone want to let me copy their game onto my xbox?

Is this only on X-Box?

yes…it is the xbox’s shot at GT4, and a damned good one too

while i enjoyed playing Forza today I will stick to GT4. Main reason is i dont have an xbox.

I just picked up forza last night and heres my opinion on the matter

Having drivin an S14 with 300hp in both GT4 and Forza, along with real life I think i can give some decent input.

Engine Sound: Forza is closer but neither capture that dirty ripping sound the SR has that we have all come to love

Acceleration: Forza is way more accurate, you get loose in first gear and spin second with the stock tires (hold on with slicks though). GT4 is fine except for the fact that the car just goes straight all the time.

Braking: Forza is reallllll. GT4 is nottttttt. This is only because of the ABS though. Turn and brake in forza and you go straight. Lift off the brakes and the car skips forward and then turns if you’re turned full, or catches right away if you’re turned teh right amount. This is real.

Cornering: Forza is very accurate in my opinion EXCEPT when you go from one direction to another forza seems to forget about the cars built up momentum. If you’re drifting one way and you throw the car the other it doesn’t throw as hard as it should, unlike GT4 which throws unrealistically hard. Throwing the car into a drift is not accurate nor realistic in either game. Both games cause the car to understeer. Trail braking does not cause the car to get loose as it does in real life in either GT4 or Forza. When you get loose in a corner and you countersteer just a bit it causes the car to go off line just like in real life, you get a bit wide. In GT4 the rear tends to step out but the feeling is that the front wheels are still tracking on the same general path, but in forza you just go out out out and not forward. Just like real life.

Other impressions: Like most xbox games forza looks too arcadish. The maps seem too small to be taken seriously, the gauges look bulgy and fake, the turbo spool is innacurate and veryslow, the sound of hitting walls is tacky. Going into the dirt in forza slows you down a bit more than real life, but then again GT4 lets you keep going and going. I like how in forza you can benchmark your car so you can see its performanc abilities each time you cahnge the setup without having to drive the car, and how you can adjust the cars setup WHILE DRIVING in the puase menu (i’m guessing only in practice, haven’t tried while racing). The graphics both ahve ups and downs. GT4 has a more realistic look to it, however the resolution simply isn’t there, you can see the choppyness on the car models etc. Forza is very smooth, the wheel models are AMAZING, but the headlights look fake and weird, and a lot of the environments simply look toyish and fake.

GT4 is more fun because its easier, but forza is a better simulator. Neither come close to the realism of live for speed though. The only problem with live for speed is they don’t offer tires with high enough grip.

They are both awesome games i’m just a nazi.

Still think live for speed is the only game that can actually teach you drifting proporly. Forza and GT4 will teach you how to race fast, forza esspecially because of the brakes and the exit corner accel

:bowdown: LFS owns all.

Sasha get the S2 demo… crazy damage, fuel load, pit stops… mmmm mm

For the rest of you:

If you turn off stability management, traction control and ABS in forza you’ll be in a world of hurt I find. What I like a lot about forza is the AI. it doesnt just race you, they race each other too and push each other off the track. I also like that there is damage, tire wear and fuel consumption that will significantly affect your driving.

Ulimately what makes forza better than GT4 is the fact you can play online.

LFS2 is alright… I find the learning curve to be too high and since I do not have a wheel, playing with the mouse while providing sensitve steering makes it diffcult to recover from oversteer!

i still love drift in gt3, fuck gt4 and forza

this just in jesses a pussy

Helloandwelcometolastyear.jpg :stuck_out_tongue:

But he’s right.

I like GT3 and GT2 better than GT4.

Flame ON!