Found a 180sx in the yard today.

well dude u’ve made it look as if u wanting to captilize on his situtation. u don’t know the full story. and it looks as if u really want his car bad. the only thing that the cops are assuming is sketchy is the engine. and ur making look like he’ a co-star in gone in 60 seconds, which is not true. noone likes when someone else is bashing a buddy especially when he is trying his hard to figure out wht to do. the guy has ALLOT on his plate already.
what i’m really trying to say is don’t do anything with his car until he has taked to you personally. son is full of douche willing to fuck whom ever the y can to get ahead.

He isn’t selling anything, his employer will be. Its a legal practice, You think every tow yard can sit around with a pile of shitbox ford tempos and other crap that was impounded for various reasons? Alot of cars that get impounded are usually abandoned by their owners after they get the bill. One of my wholesale customers is a impound yard/tow service and he gives me a list every so often of cars that were cleared and never picked up by their owners. They sell em to try and recoup their loss, its a lenghtly but legal process.

The employer is Noobie240 father as per his previous post!!

yah i get that but business is buiness. But when people are voching behind is the guy and knows what’s going on then that’s different. This guy “nobie” has made his intensions clear! he wants that car and he doesn’t care how!

Guys please stop all the flaming.

#1. I dont know were some of this information is because its clearly wrong.(Example) Stolen coilovers? They came off of my car so thats quite interesting.

#2. Jayson hasnt recieved anything from you(You know why from the phone conversation).

#3. Anyone that doesn’t know whats going on please keep your comments to yourself, this includes people that are bashing either party.

#4. Hopefully this will all get sorted out Monday.

Hey I am not bashing, as you can see I am trying to prevent that!

the car Should be returned to the real owner…not op and If OP could get a better deal at getting back the car then Noobie should hook it up for Jayson…its the only right thing to do

nothing is more pathetic than towing yard employee’s and owners.

i will have to agree with you We are very sad people. :smiley: Any more flames:D

Noobie240 there is some useful information here, I have legal experience and knowledge in some areas. The COURT will always take precedence over EVERYTHING. You are listening to the police atm but let me tell you it can really backfire on you.

Lets say that the owner of the vehicle is found IN COURT not guilty of the offence he was charged with and was wrongfully accused, if a JUDGE finds him not guilty of the offence there is a big chance that all his fees may have to be coughed up by someone other than him (maybe the police service).
IF you decide to sell his vehicle or part it out… IN THE END it maybe you that is in court explaining yourselves. Again his judge’s ruling would take precedence in this situation.

It’s a weird situation as there is no case law in Canada for a situation like this and Ontario Impound Laws are very poorly written. But to protect yourselves you should hang onto the car until after his legal proceedings and if he cannot afford to pay the storage fees the car is yours, HOWEVER if you sell the vehicle before his matter is heard in court you may find yourself in trouble if he goes after you guys.

What the owner of the vehicle SHOULD be doing right now is APPEALING his impound (OWNER… search “appeal an impound in ontario” in google)

ya where not doing anything with the car its just stillin in the back of the yard Collection dust. well water and whatever else the Earth throws at it. Kinda sad but what can we do so its just sittin till Jayson or the courts contact us which is being going on for some time now. So we have kinda washed are hands of it till well we get un update from The owner Jayson a little hint would be to Change the car Reg into his name HINT HINT HINT COUGH COUGH! anyways ya just a waitin game i guess.

you’re tiping herts my brian.


sketchy thread is sketch.