found my cars twin on ebay

I was going to post the story but didn’t bother.

I’m walking back to my car after the Curtis Lumber show, and those kids are walking away from my car toward the entrance. One kid shouts at me and asks if that’s my Supra. So I said yes. He ask’s if he can check it out. So whatever, I popped the hood and they all checked it out whatever, bla bla. Said he had a 900HP RX-7. (:wierd) Some more diologue:

Him: “Yoooo I saw a red Supra up at Synapse but the guy was such a dick and wouldn’t talk to me”
Me: (:rofl :rofl :rofl on the inside) Oh, that’s my buddies car.
Him: …
Him: Fucking corvettes suck! Redline Motorsports suck (or something like that)
Me: Actually they have some nice cars.
Him:. …
Him: Oh I see you inspection is up, you can buy my sticker off me.
Me: Nah, I’m good I gotta go.

Then the randomly shouted shit and I drove away. I try to be decent to everyone but damn.