Frame Notch...

My Suburban currently is lowered abotu 6" or so in the back. It’s real f’n low. The axle hits the frame on even the slightest of bumps, so I’m looking to have a notch installed.

I already talked to Jeff at 1st-try to see if he can do it, and if he can that is what I’ll do. But if not, is there anywhere else I can take it? Is this something Domination may have an ability to do?

yes, but jeff can handle it.

are you buying one or building one?

Build. There is not a pre-made notch available for the Suburbans. Everyone I’ve talked to that does suspension work, like Air Ride Technologies, KP Components,, all say that they aren’t 100% sure, but they believe the 'burb frame is different than a typical frame on a 73-87 C10. So, that being the case, I’m going to have to have one built myself and I don’t have the welding capabilities to do so.

I also want to do a 4 link in the back of this bitch eventually, but that is somethign that is going to have to be 1 off as well.

I don’t see why Domination couldn’t do it.

Do you need to cut into the floor for the size notch you plan to go with? This should be an easy task for Jeff. Some steel plate and his welding toy, voila!

No sir. I want to go with the largest notch possible that will allow me to not cut into the floor. I’m hoping I can get away with 3" or so.

I want to lay out like you someday, John. Just don’t make me do it now :rofl:

do it once … just do the math and see what ull need to lay with the size wheels & tires u plan on runnin

I’m not sure what I plan on running. Probably going to run a 20" eventually, but I’m not concerned with laying, more concerned with comfortable ride.

Anyways, talked to Jeff, he is going to hook it up. He sounds excited about it, and he’s got me all fired up about ias well. Should be excellent!

You’re in good hands with Jeff. Just to let ya know, we can handle that kinda stuff as well.

Cool, thank you.

There is a place in Mckeesport that does shit like that. Its called Dreamworks where behind the post office.

That’s close to home. But, I would never take my truck somewhere other than someone that I know, or someone that I can trust. I know I can trust 1st-try, JJ’s, Domination, etc…

Thanks for the info though.

Feelin the love!

non-sponsor son!

x2,for that job either one of these two (1st-try, Domination) will get it done!

I just thought I would post what I have seen. I dont know the people who own the company nor do I care if they get any business. Just because someone is a sponsor on this site dont make them any better than the next guy. I didnt know freedom of speech was regulated on this site!

that may be so but 1st try does great work and i wouldnt trust my car anywhere else, atleast with site sponsors you know where to find them if something isnt good

Woo hoo Jeff hooked it up, I get to see if for the first time tomorrow, I can’t wait to drive it with the notch in!

i saw the work in progress… looked awesome and even learned a little bit. I had no clue how it was actually done. Jeff said his brother was going nuts with the project, he loves the math!

True. Not too much math required, but I have spent a lot of my career on beam cross sections. And I was obsessed with making sure the notched section has the same strength. Sickening enough, that is the fun part for me!

:rofl: Thats why its happening out there. I hate math.

Yeah, most notches actually increase the strength of the frame. S10Blazed Si has a real nice 7 or 8" step notch on his S10 that he said he felt actually increased the rigidity of the frame. I guess once you add in that box tubing and the full welding around, it has to at the very least increase the strength a little bit.