Frame Rusted

Picture of rust

I bought this car a few days ago it has 198000km(doubtful)and i did not notice the frame was rusted throught. I paid $1500 has rusty quarters,rockers, door jam(by hinge, struts towers, etc. I highly doubt this will ever pass a safty and it appears this car is soon going to be a parts car. Needs clutch, crack in windshield, needs tires just doesnt seem like its ever going to be road worthy.

Is there any way to repair this and is the damage is bad as it seems?

You can cut out the rotted sections and box new metal and weld it in. People in Ontario do this all the time.

But in the long run the car is not worth the cost and time.

If you want to be sure tho go ask the experts of rust and rotten frames

But i would par the car out.

Ya, welding that yourself is probably not a good idea. I’d be parting that out and finding a car worth sinking money into. With the rust everywhere else, its just not worth it.

Here is a picture from under the car (the worst of it)

Wow that sucks man sorry to hear about that.

Yikes!!! get rid of that thing…


is there a way to stop rust from rotting the frame? for example if there is rust already growing on the frame is there anything to do to prevent further growth?

That car will not pass safety with any competent mechanic.

I would look at getting someone to cut out that whole section of the frame and weld in a new section. But if one side is like that the other is not far behind and i would hate to see the inside of the quarter panels and strut towers.

Would it be legal if i cut the rust out and welded metal in there myself??

And the passenger side of the frame barely has any rust at all

Better then having that gaping 5" hole in your frame!

Is there anyone who is good at welding and could help my fix it so i dont have to sell it as a parts car?? And while i undercoated my car i noticed the rest of the frame was in pretty good shape.

Please don’t take this as a criticism. I have bought my own problems too so I am not any better than anyone else. Don’t ignore the advice others are giving you about what to do with this car now.

Don’t sink any more money into this car. Get what you can for the parts, cut your losses and move on to a better car before you spend a lot of time and money that you will never get back.

It is highly unlikely that with rust that bad on the frame that the car is perfect everywhere else. Yes, you can cut out the rust, do a bunch of welding, bla, bla, bla.

Once you do that you have put in the money and time to get it done and you are then maybe $2,000 into the car and you haven’t really improved it at all. I know you are thinking about that $1500 you spent on the car and are pissed about the result but you will be even more pissed at spending fist full of money after fist full on things that are just to keep the car running and roadworthy rather than money on mods.

Part it out.

god damn dude. i think this may be worse than having herpies, jk

kind of scared me cause i haven’t looked at my frame in 3 years and umm now i want to dude.

Better words have never been spoken on here.

Just from the pic you suppied there is ALOT more rust than the one hole. Once you start cutting it out i bet you the whole rail will be rusted from the inside out. It will chip and you will not get a good weld on it.

I am parting out some parts now but i am still going to drive it for a week or two until i find something else. I may get the frame fixed (very doubtful) only if i can get it done without spending much money.

But if anyone is looking for some parts let me know and i may sell them right away.

And if anyone is interested in a good engine/transmission you can test drive it in the car to see how good it runs.(needs clutch)

LOL Yikes!