I have jury duty in Buffalo on monday. I was hoping to pull this case
i would have been in jail by now anyone of us would have this case is BS
When asked if Lynch was getting special treatment Clark responded: “90% of the people in the same scenario would be getting the exact same treatment as Lynch”.
thats completely incorrect.
you think that the city of buffalo is going to pursue misdemeanor hit and run cases with weak evidence at best? and not plead them out? it is a MISDEMEANOR… ie, in the same general category as stealing a snickers bar from rite aid. any attorney that has a pulse would get a deal for their client, especially if the client has no previous criminal record.
if anything, frank clark got a huge old man viagra chub because it was a high profile suspect, and he got over zealous when he tried to subpoena everyone and their brother in the bills organization. clearly, he has since come to his senses.
my ass… i hope she gets a big chunk of money
What were you expecting, redneck justice? I would like to welcome you to reality.
Clark stated that she would most likely be getting some sort of monetary settlement, which is what happens in most cases like this.
you really have no idea how the legal system works. if you think there is any chance that ANYONE would end up in jail after being convicted of a misdemeanor, barring extremely unusual circumstances, you are sorely misled/uninformed. that just isnt how it works.
and you had a shitty lawyer
very very very shitty indeed.
edit: or didn’t have a lawyer and/or flipped-off/mooned/batwinged the judge.