Frank Clark discussin Lynch now

On AM 930.

Edit: Marshawn Lynch. Not the Neon vs. Mustang. Dummies…

good call



no radio for home…

He’s going to lynch the neon driver now? :confused:

dropping the case


Good. Is he going to pay back the tax dollars he wasted pursuing it in the first place?

Anything about the kid losing his license until he’s like 40 I hope?

And by that you must mean plea agreement (not guaranteed)?


barely heard it, just heard case is being dropped

That was never said by Clark. He said they had come up with and agreement and Lynch would be in court sometime next week to accept. Part of the agreement is that he has to say he was driving (whether he was or not).

Looks like a plea down to a lesser charge, which is what should have happened in the first place, and then a statement by Lynch afterwords.

This is all if he shows up to court and accepts the deal from the judge of course.


Marshawn Lynch hit & run.

Not neon vs mustang.

maybe im drunk


:lol: Thanks for clearing that up. :fail:

Buffalo Bills Marshawn Lynch strikes deal with district attorney over hit and run case, grand jury adjourned
BUFFALO, N.Y. (WIVB) - Erie County District Attorney Frank Clark has reached an agreement in principle to resolve the hit and run case involving Buffalo Bills running back Marshawn Lynch.

A grand jury investigating the case has been adjourned in light of the agreement, according to Clark, who says Lynch will appear in Buffalo next week in court to resolve the matter ‘in its entirety.’

The District Attorney says the agreement is predicated on the fact that Lynch was driving the hit and run sport utility vehicle.

Clark says no other person or persons are being investigated in connection with the hit and run accident during which Lynch’s SUV hit and injured a female pedestrian from Canada in Buffalo’s entertainment district. Clark confirms that another Buffalo Bill was in the Lynch vehicle at the time of the accident, but will not name that player.

Clark provided no other details of the agreement, saying it would not be fair until Lynch is back in Buffalo to resolve the case.

i swear, if it weren’t for the internet you’d still believe the world was flat.


Clark confirms that another Buffalo Bill was in the Lynch vehicle at the time of the accident, but will not name that player.

That is wrong, he answered that one other individual was in the car but would not specify who it was.

What? Do you think it’s fucking triangular or something? Tard…

And for the record, if it weren’t for the internet I wouldn’t be nearly as retarded as I am. I guarantee I’ve lost an IQ point every time I’ve logged in over the last year.