Sorry to read this, Long.
lame…hope they catch them
Great story & motivation behind it (the purchase of the Lexus) and yeah, I hope they find the guy who hit it.
I bet Northtown offers to waive half or all of the deductible.
at least I hope so. It would be great publicity.
Wow, I was about to share this story with you guys. Thanks Don!
I thought your name rang a bell somewhere. Nice thing you did for your parents. Hope it all works out in the end.
Sorry to hear this happened, Long…but :tup: to you for doing this…
Sucks man, but what a great thing you did!
That is such a great thing you did for your parents to show your appreciation for all that they have done for you. :tup:
If karma exists, the Fusion driver will be caught as well.
Long is a great guy, congrats on your accomplishments!
Hope everything works out with this fiasco. Your parents must be so proud of you.
saw this on FB… shitty deal but nice to get the story out… i’m sure it will all be fine in a couple weeks.
One of my coworkers had his car stolen and totalled in the city a few years ago. The kid used it to drive to college for a couple weeks before wrecking it into a guard rail and running away.
He left his college books in the car, but Buffalo PD still didnt want to do anything about it…
he said there was some victims group he contacted that gave him some cash to recoup a little of his losses. Maybe worth considering to help with the out of pocket expense.
@longuyen88, you are a pretty legit dude. Great story. I’m sure it will all work out.
I know this feeling all too well. People can be such total scumbags.
What a shitty but awesome story. You are definitely a good dude and it sucks that this happened to you.
Hopefully the cops nail this guy. You should sue for emotional distress and enter the news article as evidence, you will win.
That’s what insurance is for.
While I agree, a $1000 deductable and a spoiled party unveiling/surprise are more-so the issue here. Let alone a scumbag who plugs a car and flee’s the scene…
And then people wonder why other people take shit into their own hands. You could have video of the crime, handcuff the guy, and drop him off at the station with a signed confession, and he’d end up walking away.
Brojangles comes forward to hit and run
Glad this was sorted out. What really pisses me off is the comments on the BN news story that Prog posted.