Here I am at the SCHOOL computer lab and im here having to listen to all this fucking 2 yo baby nonstop scream yell mommy and just ebing anonying and distracting to everyone in the fucking lab. When I say can you please be quiet, people are trying to work here, the mother says “o my bad” …and now when the baby screams shell say sh everyonce in a while.


I think i broke my keyboard from hitting the keys so hard.

Why is there a baby there anyways? o_O

Becuase people don’t fucking think…thats why. :headbang

Can’t people have some forethought…jeese…now I have to write a 10 pages paper I knew about 3 months ago and is due tomorrow. LOL

OMG now teh indians are snapping their fingers and dacning to music intheir headphones…KILL ME NOW

start throwing little pieces of wadded up paper or tic tacs are them. Thats what I used to do when at the comp lab at RPI. Do a little no look toss and keep doing what you are doing. It’ll piss them off enough to move or to just stop. I’m not sure of your situation, so hopefully this is a possibility.

LOL funny you mention that, but they left becuase I was staring at them with my ghoulish face after slamming fist on the desk extremly hard so theyde look up. Dumb fuckers. But now 2 black thugmen are starting up aconvo which I can only assume will turn loud and obnoxious i nthe near future…I’ll try to shut them up and probably end up shanked.

there weren’t any black people at RPI so I have no advice for you.

Indians and asians… I got you covered.


i got none of the above in duanesburg… and people have the audacity to ask why i moved there! rofl

I’m not racist or anything, but these indian girls are taking our American freedom a little too far…I still have the right…I beleive based on the constitution to choke a bitch if she gets too annoying…I think its article 4 section 8?

tic tacs!!! You get about 50 of those damn little things in a pack. You can send those little bastards across a huge room with just a flick of a finger. get some!

I know what I can stick inher mouth to quiet her down… :giggedy

most are vegetarians :headbang

Silverandslow converting loud annoying indian vegetarian bitches to eat meat everyday :benny

cover it with curry, she’ll go for it, vegetarian or not!

Fuck that, that shitll eat right threw bone.