Free healthcare.

yea it’s only “free” for bums, illegal immigrants, and whoever else doesnt pay taxes:Idiots

There is no such thing as free or interest free in the business world.

If it’s a buy one get one free, they make up the difference by marking up the product or service.

If it’s an interest free credit card for 6 or 12 months they make it up in hopes you won’t pay it off in 6 or 12 months and hit you with an enormous amount of interest each month making it very difficult to pay off.

I see my thread had sone good.

Stay tuned for more :ninja

the problem with health care is the insurance companies have run amuck… insurance is the biggest legal scam in the world… in a perfect world we would all simply stop paying the fucking assholes all together and then watch them fall like the bloated fat fucks they are.
but that wont happen…yet lol

cuba has a better health care system then us, and that place is a shithole…

Sicko is not the best thing to base your facts off of :rofl

Health care in Cuba consists of a government-coordinated system that guarantees universal coverage and consumes a lower proportion of the nation’s GDP (7.3%) than some highly privatised systems (e.g. USA: 10.2%) (UNDP 2006: Table 6). The system does charge fees in treating elective treatment for patients from abroad, but tourists who fall ill are treated freely in Cuban hospitals. Cuba attracts patients mostly from Latin America and Europe by offering care of comparable quality to a developed nation but at much lower prices. Cuba’s own health indicators are the best in Latin America and surpass those of the US in some respects (infant mortality rates, underweight babies, HIV infection, immunisation rates, doctor per population rates). (UNDP 2006: Tables 6,7,9,10) In 2005, Cuba spent 7.6% of GDP on health care, or US$310 per capita. Of that, approximately 91% was government expenditure.[14]

I say it should be a “pay for it when you need it” thing. Idea is this. You are healthy and go for a check up here and there. The checkup costs $xxx.xx, this puts you into a bracket. You pay $ for the xx ammount of pay checks. Now say you get into a car accident and need some major shit. Again, you get put into a bracket and you pay for what you “spent”.

It is kind of like getting a loan. If you dont NEED the healthcare, you wont be paying for it. When you do need it, you can pay for it.

Did anyone hear about the guy that had brain swelling and they removed a piece of his skull? They place the piece of skull in his body to stay alive. Months later he recovers from the brain swelling. The insurance company wont pay to have the piece of skull put back in his head, becasue they say he is “fully recovered” from his injory. Some brain surgan heard of this, and did the surgery for FREE for the guy.

Stories like that make me want to never pay for insurance again, becasue they are fucking thieves.

YEah i would much rather do that then pay the $20 a month i pay in union dues for free health insurance for my family. Great idea…

Wait, is that sarcastic? Casue 20$ a month is dirt cheap to insure a family!

Very, but hard to base how much health care costs are off of just your free healthcare, Walt. As shown in this thread alone the costs can range from free to more expensive than most people on this forum make in a year.

Get a job with a good benefits and stop complaining. Good day.

awesome post.