Free lap at Nurburgring

Pertinent info is here

Legit question: Can you rent a race car there?

I am not sure about race cars, but you can totally rent cars in town. I dont think they have a car rental place at the track. You can just rent a nice Porsche, BMW, Audi in town and simply drive over there using a GPS to tell you what roads to take and just have a blasty blast. Im pretty sure they sell gas at the track, eventhough its more expensive, as well as food right near by. I have an issue of Eurotuner where the guys went and did just that and wrote an article about it.

And when you put it into the wall, which I’d bet some money you would, you’ll get a nice bill from the town to repair the retaining walls and pretty green grass.

I know from sibling rivalry what it really costs to run there.

Oh, well, THAT im not responsible for. :slight_smile: I leave you to your own accord on that venture. I would LOVE to do that someday, but i’d be the slowest one out there. Theres also the taxis that run the laps as well. That seems fun as well. I’m far from a great driver, so i’d definitely wanna ride shotgun with somebody whos very good as well as trying it for myself.

Buy ticket to Zurich, call me when you arrive. I’ll have Robert or my sis give you a ride in the C5R rep.

Bring diapers.

Done deal! When I go to Europe to visit friends and family I will let you know for sure!

That would be awesome tho. Shit, maybe next year lol

Pack the depends. Urine stains on the recaros will not be tolerated…

Theres no WAY im staining seats with that, man! I have too much respect for those.

you can rent cars right at the track.

yes, you can rent cars at the track. They range from around $500/lap for the BMW 1 series and up to around $2k or so for a Porsche (prices could be a little off, this was back in November and my memory is shit). And no you cannot take outside rental cars on the track, I tried. The track is def. something you need to do once in your life. When I went, it was late in the season and late in the day but I still managed to catch a few cars. It was absolutely amazing and I can’t wait to go back again sometime.

aw i was in zurich too :frowning: i got no rides ! lol

i tried to hit the ring in germany but there was no time, i would brought our rental car on that shit idfc !