Free partitioning software?

So, I’d like to install Linux Mandriva side by side on my lappy,and I need a partitioning software. Anyone know of something free that will fit the bill? Would rather it be something stripped of any additional add-ons, 'wares, etc.

knoppix 5.0 live cd. then open qtparted.

or use partition magic

+1 for Partition Magic, or if you have Vista you can partition easily in Vista without a 3rd party program.

Partition Magic ftw

You can setup your partitions in the installer

Any reason why you didn’t choose to go with K/Ubuntu?


You can setup your partitions in the installer

Any reason why you didn’t choose to go with K/Ubuntu?


I have an AMD 64bit on a Compaq/HP lappy. From what I’ve came across, this had the most seamless install. I’ll give those a try :tup:

Just stick the disk in. Mandriva has a pretty good partitioner built into their installer. I’ve had half a dozen different distro’s running for fun, and Mandrake, er, Mandriva is my favorite. Seems to be the most user friendly without feeling like a Mac. :stuck_out_tongue:


Just stick the disk in. Mandriva has a pretty good partitioner built into their installer. I’ve had half a dozen different distro’s running for fun, and Mandrake, er, Mandriva is my favorite. Seems to be the most user friendly without feeling like a Mac. :stuck_out_tongue:


I tried to do the partitioning right from the CD, but it wouldn’t allow me to do so. From what a buddy suggested, it was because there’s a windows recovery partition already on the drive, and I’d need a 3rd party software to create another.



his problem is that he wants to save his windows partition which is already taking up his whole hard drive. he needs to re-size it first, then create a new one for linux on the free space which you cant do with fdisk or the installer. the only program i know that does that is partition magic

the linux partitioners will allow you to do it. The installers almost always have really good partitioning tools built in. You just have to know what your doing.