Free range rover mods FTW.

Any damage to the paint or anything when the glass shattered?


Yeah, makes sense for luxury cars or imports where glass is mega expensive.

Not for my saturn when a windshield is 99 bucks installed.



I just checked. Dropping the full glass coverage on my GTO and Expedition would save me $3.80 every 6 months. So for 0.63 a month I have full glass on two vehicles. By dropping glass coverage I could save enough to buy one $99 winsdshield in 158 years.


Any damage to the paint or anything when the glass shattered?


I don’t think so, the window is sloped in such manner that all of it fell INTO the car. There was hardly any on the tailgate at all.

Shitty but :tup: to glass coverage

Ouch, that blows.

But I guess that’s the price you pay for fame :wink:

Buffalo trailer trash. I had the same thing happen a while back. Got a 40oz tho

You sure this wasn’t parked near Skybar???


off topic…but i just noticed the new sig…did you really get NEWMAN badges to put on the range? :lol:


off topic…but i just noticed the new sig…did you really get NEWMAN badges to put on the range? :lol:


also just noticed… kinda like it

haha, no. it’s just a photoshop. I’d never do that.

i think it looks good



I just checked. Dropping the full glass coverage on my GTO and Expedition would save me $3.80 every 6 months. So for 0.63 a month I have full glass on two vehicles. By dropping glass coverage I could save enough to buy one $99 winsdshield in 158 years.


Will you please stop making sense? :deadhorse2:


I think it was random.


I dont know, I doubt it.

You say you were parked between a new eclipse and a Denali. And your car was the only one that got hit and nothing was taken…odds are you pissed someone off. There are enough people on this board who would probably do something like that and seeing as you post your cars pics online makes it an easy target.

I have left many cars (R32 skyline, R33 skyline, EVOS etc) on richmond when Kiersten lived there and nothing had even a scratch…

Sorry to hear that blows. It’s worse to think that someone might have it out for you. Time for a compustar. :frowning:

^ and a Lojak

That sucks.

I know I’ve had a few people screw with my car (keyed,egged) and as much as it pisses me off because of the physical damage it would not bother me at all if I could just FIND the person who did it and pay them a visit.


^ and a Lojak


Pretty sure there are no tracking systems in Buffalo for it, so it would be useless.


that sucks. thank goodness for glass coverage. I had a 385$ windshield replaced in the tracker for 0$ :slight_smile:


shitty man…

perhaps a baby “neon” blue shark bit the window!
Then the broken beer bottle was placed at the scene to cover it up.


Glass coverage ftmfw

sorry to hear dude, it sucks that people have to be shitty.