R.I.P. tempered nissan glass.


ill miss that drivers side window :frowning:

some fucks threw a brick through my window last night. my ipod and cd player are in plain sight, they must not have cared since my door wasnt even unlocked…just felt like throwing shit at cars…my whooole interior is covered in glass. Cops came and said that there were 15 cars or so in the same area that had been fucked up and 2 white dudes in a white car were seen causing the faggotry. No one has Z windows in stock and i dont have glass coverage. im extremely pissed.

You don’t have glass coverage on an exotic car like that?

Sorry, couldn’t resist. Sucks that assholes feel the need to smash people’s cars for fun. Sounds like the cops have at least a little bit to go on.

looks like you will be getting glass cov…

that sux

put the car away for the winter, get glass coverage now, get it fixed in the spring.

edit: saw your car at UB over the weekend, looks real nice

that sucks

That sucks. Can you just not get a window or is it just that you’ve got to order it and wait a week?


put the car away for the winter, get glass coverage now, get it fixed in the spring.

edit: saw your car at UB over the weekend, looks real nice


its his daily driver,

Does eric have one on his black z still?

that sucks sorry kyle.

Please say you don’t have glass coverage because you have a high deductible and not because you where trying to save a few dollars a month?

Sorry to hear though, people are pricks.

srry to hear!!!fuckin assholes!

how do u not have glass coverage? its like 10 bucks a year

I HATE THEM whoever did it

that sucks man.

didn’t someone just post a z32 that was getting parted out on craigslist? get a window from him

kyle, i think u should have ken guard your car :lolsign:

i’ll start by saying sorry to hear, definitely sucks a big one…but:

you justified yourself in a thread long ago somewhat when stating that you dont have collision…

but why on earth wouldn’t you have glass coverage? it’s like $10 a year…honestly…

for some reason, upon reading this thread…i got an urge to just go outside, take a hammer to my windshield, and get it fixed for free…just because i can :stuck_out_tongue:

Glass coverage also carries no deductible, sucks that you didn’t have it, hope they can get you a window soon.

I just had the same shit happen to me, except they did steal everything from my car. I had to drive around without a passenger window for an entire week until the dealer got the window in.


Glass coverage also carries no deductible, sucks that you didn’t have it, hope they can get you a window soon.

I just had the same shit happen to me, except they did steal everything from my car. I had to drive around without a passenger window for an entire week until the dealer got the window in.


word. get me a radio. <3

Pm’d <3

Glass is usually cheap, I don’t have coverage either.

Sorry to hear that, looks like such a hot car.

i saw your car at ub yest