So… last night at Geckos’ on Hertel, some douche in a lifted Dodge Longhorn Ram parked next to me decided that, “I’m going to pull out, make a mess, and not leave a number.” Any who this happened around midnight last night. I’ll probably never see the person who did this, but when I left to head home, I was left with this…
I called J&J Imports on Bailey. Looks like I can get a whole new door for a couple hundo. Probably my best bet. I can bang out that door as the window track is alright, and just get glass… Not worth the deductible to go through insurance.
Opinions, suggestions? Best route to fix this? What would you do?
Lets get past the shitty part and move forward. Don’t really want to talk about the situation unless you know who did it.
does NYS offer a Hit and Run as a uninsured driver? that was just send in the police report to your insurance company and there should be a lower deductable then for your collision. you can always call and ask em.
What the hell is with all the broken windows lately?
Scumbags. :tdown:
What is your deductible? If you’re able to do the work yourself (along with paint) might as well just handle it and not let the insurance company give you a headache in the process.
link78: I honestly haven’t thought about that, but it’s an idea. I never filled a police report out though.
$500… So do I really want to go there with insurance if I really don’t need to? I feel like the damage isn’t warranted for insurance to get involved. Nothing is structurally damaged. The car has 360,xxx on the clock, and it’s matte black. Paint is super easy in this case.
So I figure a whole door is $200 from J&J… Glass even less, but I’d just have to pop the dent out and live with knowing the door isn’t “perfect.”
I don’t believe so. I had a guy t-bone me at a slow speed a few years ago. Filed the police report 2-3 days after it happened when the “man of his word” douche couldn’t come up with the money for repairs and wouldn’t respond to my texts/calls.
edit- I want to say though that you have like 10 days maybe to file before it becomes too late. I think that’s what I was faced with when this happened to me. That’s the only insurance related claim I can site from experience though.
edit again- Now that I think about it more, I did have a cop present at the scene of the crash to take down a few notes from both me and the driver at fault. But it wasn’t until a few days later that I officially went down to the station to have the report filed. So I’m not sure if having no documentation of this from the original time of the incident will work against you.
This. Take the panel off, pop out the dent the best you can, and get the window replaced. You can always fix the dent completely in the spring or something. If it’s rattle can painted, it should be easy.
Yeah, I don’t have coverage for glass on my plan, but just added it for a future incident. It seems like more trouble than I’m looking to get into just to fix the door.
I’ll try and get glass today, and pop that panel off… I’ll make some calls and let the masses know how that turns out.
Nope. It wouldn’t do you any good even if you had one because you wouldn’t have anybody to collect on anyway.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you should use it in this case. If you can fix it yourself for less than your deductible then that’s the way to go. I was just being a cock more in general towards the people that pay for collision then don’t use it so that they can avoid paying more for something they don’t use.
In your case I just wouldn’t have collision on a car with that many miles and a rattle can paint job. Maybe. Depends on how much it’s costing you and a cost/benefit analysis.
Long story short, I have absolutely nothing to add. :io: