free Schick® Quattro® Titanium Razor

found this, thought I would give you guys a heads up. Free stuff if the best :tup:

Sweet. Good Find.

I love free stuff…lol

:tup: this better not cut my balls!

sweet my balls are gonna be extra smooth.

i mean.

my face is going to be soft and supple.

Free razor!


pimppppppppppppppppppp finally got something to work lol

im gonna have one sent to the ritz and another one sent to my parents house.



good fucking idea, im sending one to every girl I knows house…lifetime supply of free razors FTW.

4-6 weeks to receive… I am not shaving until it arrives


worddd…good find

good shit :tup:

wooo! Free stuff! I was actually thinking about buying one yesterday…but I didn’t because I was soooooo tired.

ty! I can always use free backup razors!

scam and i hate the quatro… shittiest razor eva

“The all new mach 20, for the closest shave ever. So much so that you could swear it’s even smooths out the flesh underneath.”


fine. me neither. you better not… i’ll see you at taffys.

or at another hell’s kitchen go-kart meet. i feel weird not having any tattoos.

:lol: classic


thanks faggot