FREE! Widebody RHD s13 HB non rolling-chassis

fucking sonlings on thre pieriods during winter always pmsing over the stupid shit. chill out boys its a car now if braden or dylan stole pussy off you then there is something to bitch about but when its just a car let it go. my 2 cents well hanging at work on chirstmas eve (N)

^lol cory. Pussy is pussy lol couldnt of said it best.

Should have said 1st person to show up on my schedule and get this car off my property takes it…no dibs blah blah blah…

Cash in hand(deposit) or 1st to take it away(if free) should be the rule for any sale. Bend the rule if its a good buddy of your because your generous to your buddys…otherwise suck it up

who invented DIBS?

LOL reading this thread is wicked. The item is free no such things as dibs and the seller can give the item to whoever the hell he wants.

Stop being a bitch about it.

lol, i agree. first come first serve. cause we all know people say shit then back out.

I agree as well
when something is free … first one to come pick it up gets it
and any seller as well has the right to sell/give the item to whomever he wants

so pics?

dan you never called me back and i lost your number call me man

lol, i’m prettty sure this was gone the same day

yea i know, jsut wanna see what it looked like

I offered deposit, lol how am i bitching.


hasn’t this shell been picked up already? just let this thread die. i’m sure whoever got it, will be posting pictures once they’ve done what they want to do with it.