Free Wings @ Kelsey's This Thursday After 4 PM

I waited 4 hours for a free meal at the Mandarin :slight_smile:

West End

  1. nitescream

East End


  1. DoneDreamin

these places are gonna be a zoo. i remember the mandarin had something like this in the summer and the line was out the door around the plaza into the parking lot

yoooo me too LOL …free food!!! hell yea!!!

There’s a lot less Mandarin’s around. The wait will be killer, I guess it is best to show up eitheir early or late? There’s no time limit right, so if you show up at 10 you are good?

yah theres no time limit. But people started to line up at 7am… they dont open till 10am haha.

Im out, poker tonight, plus I had mandarin already today.

And the deal starts at 4pm.

showed up at our local one at 7:30 and got told hour and a half wait, came back at 9 to find out the kitchen caught on fire and they had to close. GAY.

LMFAO that is epic! I just walked in and got seated lol.

cheez i was near by going to swiss chalet and decided to take a peak of the amount of ppl in kelsey… i walked in… and back out … ppl too crazy

damn that chicken was good! lol