whats going on in amherst lately?


Amherst PD can suck a fat sweaty dick.
Those pieces of shit are nothing but a cash cow for the town. They are no longer cops. They are fucking salesmen driving around in marked cars with lightbars. Their goal is to make as much money as possible for the town. I dont think I have ever seen such a abuse of the law/power as i have seen in Amherst. Those assholes LITERALLY make up any bullshit to pull you over.
Dont drive in Amherst after 11pm if you done want a Amherst PD probe up your ass and in your wallet.

I hope Amherst PD gets whats comin to them.


wow, youre exceptionally dumb.

I have lived and driven in Anherst for 5 years, and have never had a problem once. Ive been pulled over doing really dumb shit, but they always have let me go.

You must just be a giant asshole, so they hammer you…

Youre such an asshole, if I was a cop, id plant a gun and a few oz. of blow on you.