whats going on in amherst lately?

[quote=“double j,post:36,topic:25665"”]

Window tint is lame. You deserve a ticket for infecting a new car with that garbage.


I love it how people always rag on tint, and nothing ever gets mentioned about exhausts. I bet the majority of people on here with “modified” cars have some sort of aftermarket exhaust which is also illegal. In “I got a ticket because of my exhaust” threads you never see people saying get rid of your aftermarket exhaust its garbage you know its illegal what did you expect…


Amherst PD can suck a fat sweaty dick.
Those pieces of shit are nothing but a cash cow for the town. They are no longer cops. They are fucking salesmen driving around in marked cars with lightbars. Their goal is to make as much money as possible for the town. I dont think I have ever seen such a abuse of the law/power as i have seen in Amherst. Those assholes LITERALLY make up any bullshit to pull you over.
Dont drive in Amherst after 11pm if you done want a Amherst PD probe up your ass and in your wallet.

I hope Amherst PD gets whats comin to them.


wow, youre exceptionally dumb.

I have lived and driven in Anherst for 5 years, and have never had a problem once. Ive been pulled over doing really dumb shit, but they always have let me go.

You must just be a giant asshole, so they hammer you…

Youre such an asshole, if I was a cop, id plant a gun and a few oz. of blow on you.


I love it how people always rag on tint, and nothing ever gets mentioned about exhausts. I bet the majority of people on here with “modified” cars have some sort of aftermarket exhaust which is also illegal. In “I got a ticket because of my exhaust” threads you never see people saying get rid of your aftermarket exhaust its garbage you know its illegal what did you expect…


people rag on tint because it is fucking stupid. “Oh, i need to tint my windows 11ty% for security” :bloated:

People are not raggin on exhaust because its (supposed) to be for performance. This is a performance oriented website.


I haven’t personally had a problem with Amherst PD yet. I drive through there just about every day as my gf goes to Daemen.

However I did see 7 (yes 7 not exagerrating) cars harassing a homeless guy. He was walking on the corner of Main & Eggert with a shopping cart and I saw them giving him shit. Pushing him around, etc.

Now this was one of those windy -temp degree nights and all I could think was wow can’t these guys find something better to do? I mean 1 cop ok, yeah but not 7.

Anywho, tint tickets suck. I would have just paid the fine rather than peel is off though Mike.


wow, youre exceptionally dumb.

I have lived and driven in Anherst for 5 years, and have never had a problem once. Ive been pulled over doing really dumb shit, but they always have let me go.

You must just be a giant asshole, so they hammer you…

Youre such an asshole, if I was a cop, id plant a gun and a few oz. of blow on you.


You really are one of the stupidest fucking people on here. You just dont fucking learn.


You really are one of the stupidest fucking people on here. You just dont fucking learn.


ohh is baby jack gonna cry?

Youre the one bitching that every single cop in amherst is a worthless POS. Maybe you should grow up, and realize they have a job to do. If you treat them with respect, theyll reciprocate.

And judging by your worthless arrogant attitude here, you deserve any harassment you get…

edit: I heard you “want to kick my ass” lol. You really are worthless of you get that worked up over the internet.


You really are one of the stupidest fucking people on here. You just dont fucking learn.


dude, use the Ignore button. it’s made my life easier :tup:



dude, use the Ignore button. it’s made my life easier :tup:


Hes enjoys instigating far too much for that.

Also I heard you were going to find out where I live and come here. PM me, and ill give you my address…

make things a lot easier


Hes enjoys instigating far too much for that.

Also I heard you were going to find out where I live and come here. PM me, and ill give you my address…

make things a lot easier


LOL I verify hearing that also


people rag on tint because it is fucking stupid. “Oh, i need to tint my windows 11ty% for security” :bloated:


If you have any kind of aftermarket shit inside your car, particularly of the type that would interest a crackhead, that’s a valid reason. I had my system jacked out of my firebird once and tints took care of the problem. In my case the shit was in the back, but if i had an expensive headunit I’d tint the front too.

And APD really will go “fishing” late at night if they see a young guy in a performance car. Sometimes they let you off, sometimes they find something to write you for. Some of my personal experiences with this include:

  • pulled over for going through a yellow light at 4am @ age 17, they said yellow means i have to make an attempt to stop. Hassled me for an hour about how I had my night license, whose car I was driving (mine), had I been drinking (no), tore apart my whole back hatch for some reason cause i was scared and thought i had to let them, then somehow came away with a red light ticket

  • pulled over driving the C6 last summer at 330ish, not given a reason, sobriety tested, had them run the reg and inspection for some reason, asked multiple times whose car it was, general hassle about what i do for a living, etc. Got let off after 20 minutes or so, I asked why they pulled me over and got “you put your turn signal on too early when we were following you”.

  • Pulled over on the side of the road to make a cell phone call at 3am, got swarmed by 3 APD all of a sudden for “suspicious activity”. They proceeded to make me get out, get patted down, etc. then after an hour wrote me a ticket for a 6-pack of Mike’s hard lemonade i had in the trunk at age 20.I guess they’re just doing their jobs and they probably catch a lot of shit that way, but they’re still pricks. I can see both of your arguments.

I got pulled over speeding in someone elses porsche turbo, and they let me go no problem…


…they usually tell me to lose the wheels and tints


Apparently even the cops know your wheels suck. And it’s TINT not tints.


Yeah, driving in the city with all the unregistered, uninsured, unlicensed assholes is so much better.



I’ve lived in the city for 8 years as a kid and 2 years currently, and the only time I’ve ever had a hit and run occur was in Amherst. The only time my car has been broken into was in Amherst. Amherst police have been to my old apartment at 2am accusing my roomate at the time (Toda Party) of stealing hubcaps from the Don Davis Pontiac dealership, because he had a jack in the parking lot and we had slicks sitting in the living room. Oh, lets not forget that he is Asian! Fuck those assholes.

Maybe Amherst will be a lot better when the Sabres move to the Pepsi Center :bloated:

i only had 1 run i with the APD, it was last summer i got pulled over for no front license plate. he asked me y it was not on, i said that i was in an accident a little while ago. he went and inspected the front bumper saw that i really was in an accident and let me go


blah blah blah


Try the search button and see how people’s cars have been broken into/fucked with in the city vs in amherst and get back to me. :bloated:

As for the hubcap thing… Police wouldn’t just randomly go to someone’s apartment and ask to search for stolen hubcaps from their place of employment. Someone he worked with probably didn’t like that the hatch was faster than their rustang.

They thought that they were being sweet detectives because they saw the jack in our parking lot. We lived right behind the dealership. After this incident we had a cop sitting in front of our apartment every night for hours for literally months. Tell me that is not completely rediculous, a waste of tax dollars, and borderline harassment.

The fact that peoples cars may get broken into in the city more often is a non issue here, I personally have had more car damage occur in the suburbs, so that proves that it can happen anywhere. The argument here is that Amherst police are assholes, which they are.


Tell me that is not completely rediculous, a waste of tax dollars, and borderline harassment.


I hate it when people say a cop watching you = harassment. Dont be an asshole, and the cops can watch you all day and it shouldnt be a problem?

So a police car idling for 3-4 hours daily in front of your house is normal?


No its not normal. Not at all. But personally, id just laugh at the fact that some idiot has to sit there for no reason at all…