whats going on in amherst lately?

Well its rather embarrassing. Having people from school stop by to work on something, gf coming over, etc.

“Why is there a cop in front of your house?”

“Oh, they are always there, they think we were stealing hubcaps from Sunfires”


I think it perfectly exemplifies what is wrong with the Amherst PD.

Ummm has anyone ever been pulled over/in trouble in Cheektavegas??? Amherst 's court system is like a day in the park compared to those mother fuckers…


Ummm has anyone ever been pulled over/in trouble in Cheektavegas??? Amherst 's court system is like a day in the park compared to those mother fuckers…


hahaha. watch out for the eggert rd. onramp of the 33 eastbound. :bloated:

My only real incident with the amherst pd is when i was taking my wife back to work after i had picked her up for lunch. Coming down millersport highway he did a u-e and follwed me for about 30 yards and then decided to pull me over for my windows. let me go with a warning and oddly enough on my way to work not even 2 hours later i got it again in WS. I dont drive like an asshole or anything but i guess i can chalk it up to vehicle profiling.
Also ive never had any problems at all with the CPD, maybe ive been lucky , of the 3 stops i had they’ve all been kinda nice an never gave me a ticket

Cheektowaga cops aren’t that bad, its the court system there that is very harsh.

Amherst is routinely ranked as one of the top 5 safest cities in the entire country. But yeah, the cops there suck. :bloated:

Its not so much that they suck its just the fact that they take the Job VERY SERIOUSLY. I never feel unsafe there or anywhere really except for certain parts of the city(d-town buffalo). So yeah they could really kinda loosen up a little…ok ALOT

i actually know some of the higher ranking officers (obviously didnt help me get out of the ticket) and they’re all pretty chill…i think its the ones that are just starting out or up for promotion or something that really get you good. like the cop that came out and looked at my car when i had the tint removed…i could tell he was the guy that if you got pulled over, you WERE getting s ticket. but they’re not all bad, a lot of them are pretty good people.

A couple years ago, i had to do a police ride-along with APD for a class, and when you see things from the cop’s point of view, its easier to see where they are coming from in terms of having reason to pull you over. then again, the cop i was with had the theory of “i’m human too. if i see someone do something like roll through a stop sign, or cross the double yellow line real quick, then i usually have no reason to pull them over. what for? being human? we’re not perfect, and we sure as hell cant drive perfect, no matter how hard we try. unfortunately some officers don’t see it that way, and it gives us a bad reputation sometimes.” or something to that effect.

like i said, they’re not all bad, just some. now, Kenmore on the other hand…we’ll lets not even go there haha

i went on an apd ride along in my senior year too, it was like from 7-11pm and he basicly drove around and was like “tints, lets pull him over” all night long, oh and he also checked the sleezy motels for plates with an address in buffalo because i guess people go rent out rooms and smoke crack.

this wasnt on my ride along but my friend went on one too and said that the cop had like some girl that he “visited” for ~an hour while leaving the car idling with my two friends in it. they said that to them it appeared he was having an affair with his wife (he had a ring)

They designate cops for that stuff, (tints, loud stereos/ Exhaust) all that stuff. It’s profiling, but more than likely those are the types of people doing other “crimes”. It’s gay, but that is just how it goes.


<- tint and loud exhaust. I Never get pulled over for them and when I do they never have a problem with it. Cops love me and I love them <3 lol . Id love to rip off my cheap tint but they havent given me the excuse to yet. Cops <3 Jeeps I think.

Again, it all comes down to not giving them a reason to pull you over. So far in this thread we’ve seen people upset that got pulled over for:

  1. Illegal tints.
  2. Loud exhaust.
  3. Poor driving.
  4. Stopping on the side of the road to make a cell call at 3am (you don’t think that looks suspicious to a cop?)
  5. General assholishness.

I’m far from the safe driving course poster boy. I’ve lived in Williamsville for almost 5 years, and worked out here for over 10 commuting from Tonawanda. In all those miles into and out of Amherst, even speeding as much as I do, I’ve been pulled over twice.

In that time I’ve also seen APD make it to my house in < 1 minute when I called 911 at 7am about smoke in my basement (later found out furnace blower motor blew). They also responded to the bank robbery at one of our client’s sites so quickly that they nailed the fuckers as the walked out of the credit union.

Yes, there a lots of cops in Amherst. Yes, if they see anything suspicious they will check it out. That’s how the residence of Amherst want it, and since our taxes pay for those cops thats how it will stay. If you don’t like it stay in Buffalo where the cops are too busy with all the other crime to bother people for exhaust and tints.

roffle at you all.


Again, it all comes down to not giving them a reason to pull you over. So far in this thread we’ve seen people upset that got pulled over for:

  1. Illegal tints.
  2. Loud exhaust.
  3. Poor driving.
  4. Stopping on the side of the road to make a cell call at 3am (you don’t think that looks suspicious to a cop?)
  5. General assholishness.


applause exactly. either make your shit legal or dont cry about the LAWS being enforced.

<----clicky for my avatar

me getting pwnd by APD a few years ago


i drove my bmw for a few months with loud exhaust, no front plate, and really dark tint and they didn’t pull me over once?

last time i got pulled over i was sick as a dog driving to tops and a cop pulled me over at 3 am because i had a headlight out. before he came to the car i breathed and licked my license, then gave it to him. hopefully he got what i had.

:lol: at going biological warfare on his ass.


applause exactly. either make your shit legal or dont cry about the LAWS being enforced.



this thread really took a bad turn…i wasnt out to rip on APD, i was jsut curious as to why it seems like theres a LOT more patrol going on these last few days. i knew my tint was illegal, and i knew i was gonna get pulled over eventually (not a day after, but still), so im not really bitching about the fact that i got a ticket, because i deserved it.