freeloading hippie MF'ers

ya see, this is the part that pisses me off. because someone has a political stance and decides to protest/get involved/voice their opinion in a manner other than bitching on an internet forum, they’re automatically jobless hippies. Protesting and free speech are pillars of this country. They helped greatly to enable civil rights and to end the war in vietnam. I have NO problem whatsoever with you disagreeing with whatever they’re protesting, but when you look down on them and judge them and make unsubstantiated generalizations BECAUSE they’re exercising their right to free speech, that to me is extremely unpatriotic and ignorant.

The vast majority of what Greenpeace and the Sierra Club stand for I dont agree with, but I admire them for their commitment to their cause. If more Americans would get involved/aware/educated then we wouldn’t keep electing shit politicians that get into office and use the government as their own personal piggy bank to make themselves and their cronies even richer.

how is america a shithole??? i kinda like it… it’s my chosen country to live and work in… if i didn’t like it, i’d move… it’s odd to me that america is a place that you hate so much… if that’s the case, leave…right? freedom of choice… you aren’t being forced to stay here… ?

Its not the country that i dislike, its the corrupt/incompetent politicans that run the country and the fat, uninvolved, uncaring consumer slaves that live here that keep putting said politicians into office.