freeloading hippie MF'ers

We wont hold that againt ya, some day you will grow up…:bowrofl: :bowrofl:

there is a lot of truth to this statement!

i know one of the “leaders” of POG. and i was there to see him (and someone else who wasnt involved with it) making the lock boxes. hes a nice guy but i completely disagree with this POG bullshit.

to whomever was talking about water, one of the guys there had cold water dumped on him. my friend told me he was shiverring and shaking the entire time he was out there and in jail.

falme on for me being friends with the guy, i dont care. hes a nice guy but he knows i completely disagree with wtf hes doing.


this thread officially sucks

90% of the people in this thread are terrible Americans, and the intolerant, ignorant rhetoric being spewed is exactly whats turning America into a fucking shithole.

Some of you are just too unintelligent to know any better and for that I cannot blame you, but for the people that are actually somewhat politically enlightened, you should be ashamed of yourselves.


if there’s two things i hate, it’s people who are intolerant of people with differing political ideologies, and republicans.

WTF EVER!!! you two are just ridiculous!!! i don’t care what anyone thinks… but what they do is a different story…

it’s funny… i’ve been lucky enough to be around big business for a few years here… i’ve worked for and with millionaires time and time again (something i’d like to be), the one thing that holds true for every successful economist that i’ve met, is that they are all tolerant people AS WELL AS republicans… they care about what works for them, what works for business and in turn, what is going to work with the public… because, without public acceptance, no business works, and no money is made… my goal in life is to be a tolerant economist… which party does that type of person fall into???

all the idiots that i’ve meet that are hardcore republicans or democrats have been people that are trying to hold a political office or title… as in, they have an agenda

so you guys crying about intolerance and ignorance are no better than us people that are crying about idiots and ‘activists’… so sorry if my stance is that you should have a job over having a ‘stance’… i’m sorry if i don’t think the right thing to do is blindlessly agree with a group of people that go against the grain… i’ve been down that road before and then i graduated highschool and hit the real world. :slight_smile:

how is america a shithole??? i kinda like it… it’s my chosen country to live and work in… if i didn’t like it, i’d move… it’s odd to me that america is a place that you hate so much… if that’s the case, leave…right? freedom of choice… you aren’t being forced to stay here… ?


i’m fucking around.

i think it’s ridiculous to chain yourself to anything, but i also think it’s ridiculous to get pissed and make a big deal out of it.

what makes you so politically enlightened, and what great contribution to society have you made?

my nigga!!!x2

:bigthumb: :bigthumb: :bigok: :bigok:

ya see, this is the part that pisses me off. because someone has a political stance and decides to protest/get involved/voice their opinion in a manner other than bitching on an internet forum, they’re automatically jobless hippies. Protesting and free speech are pillars of this country. They helped greatly to enable civil rights and to end the war in vietnam. I have NO problem whatsoever with you disagreeing with whatever they’re protesting, but when you look down on them and judge them and make unsubstantiated generalizations BECAUSE they’re exercising their right to free speech, that to me is extremely unpatriotic and ignorant.

The vast majority of what Greenpeace and the Sierra Club stand for I dont agree with, but I admire them for their commitment to their cause. If more Americans would get involved/aware/educated then we wouldn’t keep electing shit politicians that get into office and use the government as their own personal piggy bank to make themselves and their cronies even richer.

how is america a shithole??? i kinda like it… it’s my chosen country to live and work in… if i didn’t like it, i’d move… it’s odd to me that america is a place that you hate so much… if that’s the case, leave…right? freedom of choice… you aren’t being forced to stay here… ?

Its not the country that i dislike, its the corrupt/incompetent politicans that run the country and the fat, uninvolved, uncaring consumer slaves that live here that keep putting said politicians into office.

I’m no more enlightened than a lot, but moreso than most.

As far as contributions, that thread me and the jakester made back in the day calling you out on all your bullshit was a pretty good one.


I might be wrong in thinking this way, but I don’t think Sonny is mad at the protest itself, but more the way it was. I don’t care who protests what, but don’t block me from going into my place of employment. If I worked at Sears and someone wanted to ban lawnmowers, that’s fine, but I’ll be damned if I’m not going to go earn my 8 bucks an hour to try to sell them.

That’s my problem with it, anyways, and for whatever reason, that’s how I took Sonny’s statement as well. But, again, maybe I’m in left field.

And, I don’t care where anyone stands politically, but good luck finding a politician of any party that isn’t going to push their own agenda.



Sonny is my main Pittspeed e-bitch. Sometimes I just have to slap him around in front of the other hoes to set an example, even though deep down I love him, and his sweet ass.




you nailed it. i tired to say that in the beggining. people still ahve a right to do their job.

And this one goes gay too…:doh: :doh: :doh: