fresh air..

… and this is why it’s SO nice to see a new ‘nissan’ based site for the Toronto area…

If I’m not mistaken there are even mod’s & admin’s taking part in this stupidity…wow, says allot about maturity and quality of that place. It’s too bad that the quality admins are in the extreme minority there.

Your a far more tolerant man then I to take those dumb ass kids with as much tolerance as you do… But I’m old and crusty…


There’s never anything useful there except for clashes of opinions, beliefs and everyone’s own sense of truth.

Tolerance… Yes, that quite surprised me as well. I’m usually not that tolerant as well…

If you are referring to my “joke” I made near the end of the thread, then I hardly think that it was out of line.

I hardly think SON is a terrible site, sure things are slow to change and there are a lot of kids on there, but it is usually a good source for basic information/help locally.

if by slow you mean ’ epoch’ then I agree…:cool:

however on the rest I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree… which is unfortunate too have to do, there are some admins( afore mentioned minority) who really want to make changes… swiftly and with a big broom… but the guy(s) controlling the forum seem to be happy the way it is…

We are trying to implement changes but these things are not easy. How often do you see andy post on son?

If you have some suggestions that you think will make son better, by all means mention them here and I will bring them up in admin for discussion (be reasonable).

Regarding your first sentence, I agree.

well my post was to let people know about this site. and yes their are always kids with stupid remarks but seriously it dosent bother me. just little kids behind a pc… you get used to people like that and phils comment was a joke i know that. :slight_smile: … ive owned a few sites been mod and admin on too many. and owned 3 car clubs that have had over 80 members. Its hard to change things once they have started but thats the staff you pick, to have that need to come up with ideas and resolve issues as fast as they show up . some staff are more active then others but all need to be active to help on the boards … and how to set new rules on the boards without pissing anyone off really. Because once a sites been up for a while members get aggrivated when their is change. But it can be done. We hope this site stays user friendly as we dont want clashes altho they cant be avoided. but our user base is 18+ so shouldent be to many little noobs wondering around. and our staff will be taking care of it also. :slight_smile: if any problems show up. once ive done the forums ill be moving onto the main site. as doing this site myself is verytime consuming so please bare with me abit for the changes. as they will be done, also the car club info will be posted up soon.


theres a few individuals on son240 that just like to post comments to start flamewars and kill the thread created… but in person they are normal and dont even cause problems… so its smart not to be bothered by their e-thug ways…

I think that’s where the downfall starts… The internet is not a ’ act like an A-hole free’ card… If you(they) are going to be an ass, online… it’s still that person, it’s their thoughts put to the internet, by them… no one else. For then to think that they can walk up to someone after you’d acted like such…( esp. someone older like myself who WILL take what you say as representative of who you are), and not at least expect to get a some form of verbal/physical feedback about their behavior… is really quite Naive… If their buddies think it’s cool to be like then then go ahead and be like that with them… But from my POV; you want to take the bull by the horns, expect to get the horn up the ass…

anyway, this forum seems to be off to a very good start. looking forward to it’s progression…

ya i agree with you Ian. Hopefully this forum will stay clear of such childish ways and that we can grow as a community, not to bash other people and think we are ontop of the world like some of the SON members. However, this forum is how you make it. It’s all up to the members of this forum to make this place a great place to stay and continually coming back to!

Keep up the great work guys!!

I think this forum is on the right track… I doubt we will have as many “I know everything there is to know” type people here as there are just too many different cars to know it all about… I think it’s great to have all the Nissan together on one forum, especially for those of us who own more than one…

yeah alot of kids are signing up on son240sx but alot of the guys on there are jokers and some assholes yes but thats how it will be nothing will change. hope we can keep this forum cool and nice but we all know the truth :stuck_out_tongue:

SON = garbage

If they deleted every section except the buy/sell I wouldn’t notice.
That being said, I’ve been in the club for 5 years, made some good friends through it. However, now its just a load of mental puke.


//\ i agree, son is full of retards, lol

well we are getting the best users outta everywere. everyones pretty mature and the sites doing awsome… little kids are scared to come here lol we will rip em a new one :slight_smile: lets try and make this site the best possible for all users… and thanx guys :slight_smile:

i was really excited to become a member of son but after a week or so i read some of the posts and the stupid arguements made not want to be a part of it but i stuck to it and ive met some really really cool people and a lifestyle ive been searching for since 1999!! but there are a lot of pricks there who jack other people’s threads . ( who cares gooooo NISSAN)