who's going where?

i dont want explainations or long rants

i know everyone will be on all clubs but who’s going to be where the most.

im curious

matt- .org

I am going to be on Nico the most.

son240sx.ca FTW!

DTS said it best…

… andy ripped me off and libel-ed me…

bing threatened my family’s well being and lively hood…

I dislike both of them with much vigor, I’ll wait to see which one of these ass clowns is removed from power on each site first… that will be the one I contribute too…

also this is NOT ‘andy’s site’ he just happened to fall into the president’s position and he abandoned his position, to let others do what they wanted with their power, ( bings deleting and modifying posts for his own gain is a perfect example )… and now he’s on the board at the ‘other ’ SON’ , however, no one ( admins et al. ) was man enough to stand up to andy or bing and too few of the admins and mods would actually take a stand, choosing to sit on the fence, keep a low profile and do nothing… which is even worse then taking a stand…

with a VERY FEW exceptions, the WHOLE staff, from president to newest mod should be replaced with people that WANT to make changes and DON’T have agendas or a power complex.

Andrew ( AnDrEw )
MAX (nocwage)

have my votes as the best people to do the job. This is a balance between long standing membership, technical knowledge and ‘levelheadedness’

honestly… how many times have you been banned ? I highly doubt people care if you contribute or not and then theirs the fact that you dont even own a 240sx so my personally… I’d have no problem seeing you go to .org or some other forum as all you do is start shit anyway.

“honestly… how many times have you been banned ? I highly doubt people care if you contribute or not and then theirs the fact that you dont even own a 240sx so my personally… I’d have no problem seeing you go to .org or some other forum as all you do is start shit anyway.”

You know exactly ZERO about the situations that led to my bans other then hearsay and conjecture. you certainly didn’t ask me about it, so your coments to me and about me is simply mud slinging… Top it off with the fact I’ve added more tech knowledge base to this site then you could ever add… makes your comments even more inane…

Dooooodddd, you spelt insane wrong, LAWL!!! Step back from my insane skillzzz because you just got pwneddd!!! ROFLCOPTERS!!!

I’m headed to where ever there is some intelligent discussion, interest in building the scene and event participation. A decent classified section with policed scamming and vendors that are ready to get parts to the people fast and inexpensive. A place where people make an attempt at grammar and spelling as well as make use of the ‘search’ button. A forum where there is a degree of respect for mods, admins or those senior guys with credibility and experience (and senior guys who show patience for noobs)

A place where there is less sh!t talk and more action. There are far to many L33T Drift0rz that either have scrap cars or when there are events they are nowhere to be seen. Case in point, Drift Mania @ TMP '06 - what like 200 people showed? It was an embarrassment but then again I’m sure you made it out to Taste of the Danforth to stuff your face and strike out with the bitches cause you have no game :slight_smile:

I’m probably dreaming right now cause I think I just described 25 or so SON members LOL. All I’m asking is everyone step it up, get involved and set an example.

Yo… http://dictionary.reference.com/


you just owned your self you ill-educated dullard…

Hahaha, I was joking. I was making a reference to something from maddox.xmission.com. I am guessing that you never read that though.

no clue what that is.

i think i’ll stay on both as well as TNC (even though it takes so long to load) (28.8kbs) haha both forums have there pro’s and con’s, we’ll see how this all works out in the end!

dude , u just owned yourself, funny how the post u made is the word u didnt understand , inane

in·ane /ɪˈneɪn/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[i-neyn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–adjective 1. lacking sense, significance, or ideas; silly: inane questions.
2. empty; void.
–noun 3. something that is empty or void, esp. the void of infinite space.

[Origin: 1655–65; < L inānis]

—Related forms
in·ane·ly, adverb

—Synonyms 1. pointless. See foolish.
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.
American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source in·ane (ĭn-ān’) Pronunciation Key
adj. in·an·er, in·an·est
One that lacks sense or substance: interrupting with inane comments; angry with my inane roommate.

[Latin inānis, empty, lacking sense.]

in·ane’ly adv.

(Download Now or Buy the Book) The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2006 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Online Etymology Dictionary - Cite This Source

“silly, empty-headed,” 1819, earlier “empty” (1662), a back-formation of inanity “emptiness, hollowness” (1603), later “silliness” (1753), from Fr. inanité, from L. inanitatem “emptiness,” from inanis “empty, void, worthless, useless.” Inanition is attested from c.1400.

Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2001 Douglas Harper
WordNet - Cite This Source inane

devoid of intelligence [syn: asinine]

If you ever have time to kill, check it out. Pretty funny shit. http://maddox.xmission.com

Oh, and for your information, engineers don’t need speak english goodly. I have well education, just badly speaking english occasion. U of T mech eng FTW! LAWLERBLADES!!!111

oh yeah I linked to this guys site years ago from another site… funny stuff… loves his film reviews…

This site as along as it doesnt get hacked again, no point in going to other gay forums, if all this stupidness keeps up tnc is where its at (already there more then i am here)

.org is where its at.

you clowns can’t step…

everyone will go where the most horsepower is, since i dominate you all .org wins!

fuck you

You are such a badboy. You really know how to get my motor running. My hardline needs to be bled, wanna help?


shouldnt you be making rockers or something

and than flopping on selling them?

you guys wont have to make a choice… just relax… continue on about your business